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~Jimin's Point Of View~

We were halfway through all our songs doing 'I Like It Pt.2, we were about 1:30 into it, I was at the front but then I heard shouting so I stopped and turned around to see what's going on.

Yoongi and Hoseok were arguing.

"All I said was 'what's wrong with you today you keep fucking up more than you normally do, are you okay?' You didn't have to bite my head off! I don't know what's wrong with you but you've been fucking up with every song so far!"

"It's not my fault okay! If we didn't need to do these dances I would be fine!" Yoongi shouted back then stormed out and all we could hear was a faint. 'I'm going for a break!'

Everyone decided that maybe it's best to stop there and go back to the dorms. But I decided to stay and practice a little more, have to be perfect for this.

*1 hour later*

I finally turned the music off and walked over to the mirror and looked at myself.

'Maybe I should go back to the gym.' I thought to myself.

I then stepped a little bit away from the mirror and decided to stretch so I'm not sore tomorrow. I done a few stretches like bending over and touching my toes, lunches, etc.... so I'm just doing me last stretch.

The splits.

While I was halfway through someone spoke up which made me flinch.

"You know the way you bend to touch your toes to show off your jibooty is one thing. But showing how flexible you are is going too far." I quickly stood up and turned my body round to face him.

"Hyung, I thought you went home with the guys. Why are you still here?" He started to slowly walk towards me from the door.

"I didn't know the guys left, I stormed out remember." I made an '0' shape with my mouth realising he of cause wouldn't even know the guys left never mind leaving with them.

The time I finally snapped out of my thoughts Yoongi was in front of me, as he grabbed my arms, pushed me against the mirror. He then let go of my arms just to replace them onto my waist.

"Why do you like to do this to me?" He said in his sexy deep voice while still having eye contact with me.

Suddenly his lips smashed onto mines.

I didn't know what to do, at first I was frozen and my eyes were wide open from shock. But then when realisation hurt me I realised. This is what I wanted.

So I close my eyes and kiss him back. I put my hands around his waist and he put his around my neck, which made our bodies get closer.

A minute later and I got a little too confident as I licked his bottom lip slightly. So I can slip my tongue into his mouth. But he clearly had other plans, not letting me.

I turned ya around so he was against the mirror and pinched his hip causing him to open his mouth, I took advantage of it and slipped my tongue in. But this bitch is trying to fight me for dominance, I managed to win though as I explored his mouth.

Yoongi lets a little moan slip from his mouth, that brought me back to reality. I stopped and stepped back looking at him, it looks like he just got snapped back to reality as well.

We were looking at each other for a few minutes before he pushed me softly out the way and ran out of the practice room. I stood there for a few seconds blinking, I walked over to my things and picked them up, Deciding just to go home too.

While I was walking out of the building I thought to myself. 'Tomorrow is gonna be really interesting, I wonder what Yoongi will be like?'

Not prove read.
Writers block is a pain in my ass but wanted to get this chapter done cause I had an idea for the next one before I even finished this one😂 that's why it's short.

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