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~No ones Point Of View~

The next day

Yoongi wakes up after his fight with Jimin the night before. Regretting everything he has said, he just wants to apologise and make it up to him.

He turned around and seen a note on the empty space of bed that Jimin normally sleeps on.

Yoongi quickly takes the note and opens it, but he did not expect he would ever have to read something like this.

Yoongi jumps out of bed and runs into the living room, tears coming down his face like niagara falls. The loud footsteps of running made the guys head look up towards him.

They all stood up as they never seen Yoongi this upset before.

"Yoongs, what's happened?" Jin said in a caring voice.

"It's J-Jimin." He handed them the note as they read it. Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok are crying their hearts out with Yoongi. As the rest aren't to try and stay strong for the poor boys.

"Why on earth would he leave like that?" Jin asked as he went over to Yoongi, giving him a hug.

"I'll call the manager, but while I do that you guys go look for him." Namjoon said. They all nodded their heads and went out to look for the small boy.

After about two hours Namjoon finally finished talking on the phone to their manager. At the same time the guys walked through the door.

"Did you find him?" Namjoon worriedly asked.

"No, so what did the manager say?" Yoongi asked.

"He said that Jimin left him a note as well saying he can't do it anymore and he's leaving. Also he said on that note not to go looking for him."

"But I love him! Please! Please get him back!" Yoongi shouted as they all went to try and hug him.

Yoongi pushes them all out the way and runs out ignoring all the cries of his name, running not knowing where he's running to, not him the guys or even God knows were he's going.

He kept running until it felt like inside his chest is on fire, out of breath he had to stop.

Suddenly black and white spots appeared in his vision, legs going weak, he collapsed on the ground as his vision was slowly going until his eyes slowly close and then....

Black, his unconscious body just lying there on the street people just passing by like it's normal....


Not prove read.
Might write another book but only if yous want me to, so comment if yous want me to make a second book that will carry on this one.

I'm Not Gay//Yoonmin (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now