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~Jimin's Point Of View~

The next morning.

I was in the kitchen making everyone breakfast, you know just some pancakes nothing special.

When I was nearly finished everyone came in, looking at me shocked.

"What you cooking Jimin?" Jin asked.

"Pancakes, the sirup, blueberries, strawberries, bananas, etc.... are all in the table I'm nearly finished with the pancakes." I said with a smile, they all smile back and sit down.

Once I was finished I was placing they're plates of pancakes in front of them. I then picked up yoongi's and placed his in front of him and sat down across from Yoongi.

We all started to eat Yoongi was too busy looking at me to notice his food. But when he does he nearly chocked on his saliva.

"The hell?!" Seeing his reaction I try my best to not laugh and stay serious.

"What's wrong, hyung?" I asked and tilted my head slightly to the left, everyone is looking at us both wondering what's going on.

"Why the hell is my pancakes shaped like a dick?!" He asked/ shouted. He then looked at me and so did everyone else as they tried not to laugh, I smirked at him as I replied.

"What? You don't like it? I thought you would've. I mean just yesterday you said how you wanted to choke on my dick. But you didn't say what kind, so I thought why not let him choke on my pancake dick?" He looked at me shocked, a few minutes of silence in the kitchen before everyone couldn't handle it anymore.

They all started bursting out laughing tears rolling down their cheeks cause they found it so funny.

He only ones who weren't laughing was Yoongi and Jimin, Jimin was just smirking as Yoongi was still shocked with his eyes wide and his mouth opened while blushing a little.

He then closed his mouth and said.

"Fine." He cut a bit of his pancake as everyone was watching, waiting for him to eat it. He stared at it for a few minutes then shoved it into his mouth, after when he swallowed it he then said.

"You know it's actually really nice, but do you know what it's missing?"

"What?" I asked wanting to know what he was gonna say.

"Some whip cream." Now it was his turn to smirk and my turn to look shock and have my cheeks slightly pink. The guys burst out laughing again.


~Yoongi's Point Of View~

After that eventful breakfast time we were all sitting in the living room. Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung are playing Mario Kart on the floor. Me and Jimin were on the couch I was on the right side, Jimin on the left and no one in the middle, I was on my phone and Jimin was watching the guys playing the game. Jungkook was in the chair on the left were Jimin is But a little further away, in his phone as well.

For nearly an hour now it's been quiet a few things coming from the ones in the floor. But right now it was quite. Well it was, Until.

"Oft.... that bird is hot!"

"The fuck Jungkook?" I said with a slight frown on my face. Everyone stopped what they were doing and were now paying attention, wanting to know why he shouted that.

"What?" He asked a little confused.

"What do you mean 'what?' Why the hell are you getting turned on over a damn bird? You creep!"

"I wasn't!"

"You were! You're practically drooling over it! I mean look at you!"

"Omg noooo! I wasn't I was talking about a girl."

"What?" It was now my turn to look confused along side with everyone else a part from Jimin.

"But you said 'bird' that's a flying animal it ain't a female human."

"No look." He cane over to me and showed me a photo of a really beautiful girl.

"Kook, I don't know how to tell you this. But that's not a bird."

"No. It's what they call girls."


"People in Glasgow, what do you call them again?" Jungkook took a few minutes to think.

"Ah I remember now! Glaswegians! They're Scottish and they basically made up they're own language." Jungkook giggled after.

"Your not Glaswegian though, so why the hell are you trying to speak like them?"

"He was looking at Scottish scenery etc.... and then this thing popped up saying 'Glasgow' And it told him a few things about it so then he got curious and looked up 'Glaswegian words' and he found it fascinating so he was trying to learn it." Jimin said for him.

"How do you know?"

"I walked into his room last week to see if he wanted to play a video game cause I was bored. And he was sitting on his bed trying to practice the words, so I asked him and he told me. What was really funny though was when he tried to do it in a Scottish accent." He giggled a little, remembering what happened the week before.

"Don't try and talk to me with 'Glaswegian' words."

"Don't worry I won't your shit a English anyways." Jungkook said back as Jin gasped and looked shocked at him, but that quickly change as he just realised what he said.

"Yah! If you swear again I'm gonna come over there and chop your ba-"

*Ringggg ringggg ringggg*

We all looked at Namjoon while he gets his phone out of his pocket.

"Sorry guys, hold on." He quickly went to his room.

"As I was saying I will come over there an-"

"Hyung! No! We all know what you're gonna say and we don't need to hear it. Just give I'm in trouble instead of threatening him like that." Hoseok interrupted, wanting to help the poor boy.

"You got lucky child." Jin said to Jungkook, Jungkook only smiled at him and went back to his phone. Until Namjoon came back and took out attention.

"We have dance practice all day tomorrow."

I groaned at the mention of 'dance practice' and 'all day.' Not because I will have to use all my energy up for something that I'm quite bad at, but for the actual fact that I will have to see Jimin dance. I swear he can make anyone drool while dancing.

I looked over at Jimin jut to see him smirking at me. He winked and then went back to watching the others play Mario Kart.

'I swear Park Jimin you better not be planning anything.' I thought to myself in my head.

I leaned my head back on the couch and closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down. At the same time thinking how screwed I'm gonna be at dance practice tomorrow.

Not prove read.
It's longer than it normally is.

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