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~No ones Point Of View~

WhAt?!" Jimin slightly jumped when Taehyung and Jungkook shouted at the same time.

"Hold on!" Taehyung said as he ran out into the living room. He then pointed at Yoongi and shouted.

"HA! Bottom!" Yoongi glared at him and was about to get get up with saying a quiet. 'What did you say?' Taehyung squeaked and ran back into Jimin's room to get away.

He sat back down and the two boys looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Why did you ran in there and shouted 'HA! Bottom!' And then squeaked?" Jungkook asked.

"Because I found it funny that he's clearly a bottom and then he was about to kill me! But it was worth it." Jimin and Taehyung giggled, Jimin then said.

"Yeah, I know right!" They all started laughing, not realising everyone in the living heard them after Taehyung went back into the room from being loud. They then heard Yoongi shout into them.

"Yah! I'm not a fucking bottom! If anyone is a bottom here it's Jimin!" They paused while looking at each other, then burst out laughing.

~Meanwhile in the living room~

"So hyung."

"What Hoseok?" Yoongi answered back.

"Your a bottom." Everyone started laughing and Yoongi shot them all a glare and said.

"For the hundredth time. I'm. Not. A. Bottom." He said. Everyone could hear how annoyed he is from his facial expression and his tone of voice. But even then they all still laughed.

Yoongi there waiting on them to finish, trying not to pout so he doesn't show them he's upset.

"So why did Taehyung ran in here shouting 'HA! Bottom!' Then ran away again?" Hoseok asked with a smirk.

Yoongi just raised his shoulders to say that he doesn't know why. But then he sat there with his eyes slightly widened thinking about last night, as he jumped up saying.

"I don't know!" And ran into his bedroom.

They all started laughing again. When they all calmed down they started talking about it.

"You know I always thought Jimin would be the bottom." Jin said.

"Why's that?" Namjoon asked.

"well think about it, he just so cute and adorable and plus doesn't Jimin have an ass that screams bottom?" Jin answered back, A minute later and Hoseok spoke up.

"That doesn't mean anything. I believe Jimin is a top definitely." Jin and Namjoon looked at him.

Jin folded his arms and said.

"So what's your theory then?" Hoseok sat up properly on his seat looking at them.

"Story time with Hoseok!" He cleared his throat and continued.

"It was a few months ago. You and the other guys were out buying food to fill the kitchen cause we were running out from you and Jungkook ratting a lot. And so that mean me, Namjoon and Jimin were here, Jimin was in the kitchen getting something to drink. I then heard one of the bedroom door opening and closing followed by what sounded like a pair of feet running to another bedroom then the door closing behind. I ignored it thinking nothing to it, Jimin then went into his bedroom and then all of a sudden...." Hoseok paused for dramatic effects.

"And then what?" Jin asked getting really into the story, Namjoon then just clicked onto it realising where Hoseok is going with this.

"Oh god no! Please no! I don't wanna relive this again!" Namjoon said looking horrified. Hoseok then continued.

"Namjoon came running out of his room with something behind his back looking guilty. He then said to me 'are you good at sewing things?' And I told him 'no, you know Jin hyung is good at it just wait till he comes back.' But then he brung what it was behind him to the font to show me...."

"Omg what was it?!" Jin asked.

"Jimin's teddy bear that he calls gummy."

"Omg! The one that Yoongi got him for his birthday?!"


"But he loves that teddy!"

"I know! So then I looked at Namjoon shocked thinking how destructive he is if he 'accidentally' ripped a teddy bears head right off the body! But before I could say anything Jimin came out his room asking nicely 'hey guys, have yous seen gummy?' He then stopped in his tracks seeing it in Namjoon's hands. Next thing I seen when I looked at Jimin's eyes was scary he was so angry he didn't look like the kind cute kid he is. And then it happened, he exploded and started shouting at Namjoon, not screaming but only shouting! And I'm not kidding Namjoon was shaking really badly out of fear. For crying out loud! I was shaking really badly from fear and I was only watching what was happening! Anyways long story short Namjoon ran away bursting out crying to his room and Jimin never spoke to him for about 2 months."

"Wow." Jin said looking shocked.

"Yep." Hoseok said. They then turned around to Namjoon as he sat there looking at a wall looking like he's gonna cry, and that he just survived a real life horror movie.

"He can't be that scary. Was it more worse than waking Yoongi up when he's sleeping?" Jin asked. Hoseok nodded his head as a 'yes' and Namjoon nodded a little as well, turning around slowly to look at Jin and said.

"A thousand times more worse." Jin widened his eyes and said.

"Yep he's a top-"

"Hey guys!" All three of them screamed when they heard Jimin.

"Are you guys okay? Were yous telling each other a scary horror story or something?" Hominem asked as Jungkook and Taehyung walked up behind Jimin wanting to know what all the screaming was about.

"Yes, definitely. Hoseok was telling us a really scary horror story." Jimin just shrugged his shoulders and said. 'Okay' and him, Tae and Kook walked over to sit with them. As the tree members looked at each other then forced themselves to look back at the tv, trying to not think about the story.

Not prove read.
I don't even know what I just wrote😂 I just wrote anything cause I wanted to update😂.

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