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~Yoongi's Point Of View~

I arrived at dance practice and yes you guessed it I was the last one to arrive like always. I stood there for a couple of minutes preparing myself with what I'm gonna have to see today. I put my hands on the handle took a few more breaths and walked in.

Yep, no matter how much I prepare myself it does not work.

Jimin stretching and doing the splits in front of me is not helping one little bit. Still looking at him I start to make my way over to the couch in the practice room so I can put my stuff down.


I fell on the floor after a loud painful slap to my right cheek.

I looked up and noticed everyone was looking at me, Namjoon was in front towering over me looking scared and worried.

"Oh my gawd! Hyung I am so very sorry! I didn't mean to slap you." I then realised what happened as I had an angry look on my face and got up.

"What the fuck do you mean 'I didn't mean to slap you' ? You slapped me so hard, I went on my ass!"

"I know but you have to believe me I didn't mean it. I was showing Jin my dance moves and then out of the blue I felt a face on my hand, then a sound of a body falling on the floor so when I turn around you were on your butt." I got closer to him and said quietly but sternly into his ear.

"Your lucky that I might need to talk to you later." I pulled back and tapped his cheek twice. Then carried on walking to the couch.

I sat down and waiting for our choreographer to come and start this damn thing.

~Jimin's Point Of View~

I tried my hardest not to laugh when he fell. But after seeing how red his cheek is I started to get a little worried. I looked at the clock on the wall behind me.

9:15 am

We have 5 more minutes till our choreographer comes in. Still in the splits I turn a little to lol at Yoongi and as always.

He's sleeping. I then took the rest of the time I have to think what I'm gonna do hopefully we have to do a sexy dance.

-5 Minutes Later-

The door got swung opened with a bang and closed again. Which if I may as woke Yoongi up.

"Sup ma hoes!" He shouted with his arms out and head held high. Yep that's our choreographer, the one the only.

Park Jae Bong.

I smiled, jumped up and ran to him with open arms. I basically flew into him, giving him a hug as he happily accepted it and hugged me back. I do this every time I see him but this time all I could think about was.

'I hope Yoongi will get jealous.' I tried my hardest not to smirk and let go of Jaebong hyung.

"Hyung! What are we gonna learn today?!" I said jumping up and down with excitement, He clasped his hands together, rubbed hen and said.

"Everyone gather around and sit in the floor I have to tell you all what's happening." We all sat on the floor waiting for the news."

"Right so I was at a meeting with your manager this morning. And the reason for this sudden dance practice today is because you are all gonna be...." he paused for a dramatic effect.

"Doing a charity concert!" He all cheered with the thought of helping people.

"We are doing the concert to help raise money and awareness for the homeless all over the world. Which means your world tour for your comeback has been put on hold for a year, that will happen next year as we are going to different countries for this."

"So for an example in Korea we are doing it in two different places. Seoul and Busan we will raise money for homeless people in South Korea. Then in America we are going to São Paulo and New York and help the homeless in America etc.... do you get what I'm saying." We all nodded.

"I think that's a really good idea hyung." Namjoon said and we all agreed.

"Good because I found out what type of dancing that everyone wants to see for it." He smirked then carried on.

"There are 17 songs and here is the list in order." He took out a sheet of paper, cleared his throat and started the list.

"I Need U - all, 21 Century girls - all, Boy Meets Evil & Lie - Jhope and Jimin, Blood, Sweat and Tears - all, Tomorrow - all, Bulletproof Pt.2 - all, Perfect Man - all, Coming Of Age Ceremony- Jimin and Jungkook, I Like It Pt.2 - all, No More Dream - all, Pied Piper - all, Baepsae - all and for the last one Attack On Bangtan - all." I sat there trying not to smirk, I wanted to do a sexy dance in front of Yoongi but this, this is beyond what I wanted and I will take it to my full advantage.

"We will be here form Monday to Friday for a month practicing everything. But you all get Saturdays and Sundays off. And for the 'Perfect Man' song we will have to just teach Yoongi the dance since he couldn't be init the last time. He won't be rapping but just dancing." I looked over to him cause I know he doesn't like dance but is in love with rapping.

"And what you mean 'dance but no rapping' ?!"

"I'm sorry Yoongi but that's just the way it is for hat song."

"Why is the theme sexy?!"

"Well I pretended to be an army and managed to get millions of followers on twitter and done a vote that said. 'Imagine BTS was doing concerts to raise money for charity, what songs would you all want them to do? One of mines would be BS&T' they all responded quickly."

"What about the last two songs? Those aren't sexy."

"I put those in myself, so you and the fans can have fun." Yoongi day there for a couple of minutes silent until he stood up.

"The fuck would you get horny bitches to decide on what songs we should do, I swear to...." I then couldn't hear the rest cause he started mumbling while walking away. But Namjoon must've heard him cause he stared laughing a little.

"Lets just get this over and done with." Yoongi said while standing in the middle of the floor waiting for everyone.

Not prove read.
Next chapter will be Pt.2 of this chapter, I just wanted to quickly write something anything to finally update so I'm sorry if I made a lot of mistakes.
And also I'm still really ill😢😢

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