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~Yoongi's Point Of View~


That was all that I could think about while reading his note book.

It has a lot of poems about me, it also has cute cartoon type drawings of me. I for about nearly halfway before there was a blank page, he must've stopped there and wanted to do more today. I was about to close it but decided to keep looking through it. When I turned the blank page I was shocked and started to feel guilty for even reading it, but I can't stop.

I never thought that I would ever go as low as reading someone's diary, but what he said did get me shocked and surprised.

Hi new diary! So I decided that this time I'm not gonna write the dates like I have with the other diaries cause you know. SAVE MORE TIME!! It's important that I do since our group is getting more busy which is making me more tired. I forgotten to write the first day I got this because I was too busy writing poems. And I got this notebook to turn into a diary because well.... not only I wanted to write poems etc.... about Yoongi but My diaries are mostly a out him anyway so why not get a notebook/diary that has Yoongi on it??

Anyways, update on Yoongi!!

My feelings for Yoongi are the same and it keeps getting stronger and stronger, but I still don't think he likes me back. But still, FIGHTING!! I will still do my utter best to get him to feel the same. Even though he says he's straight it's a little hard but I'm still gonna try.

Wish me luck!!

- Jimin.

There is only one word I can think of right now, and it's 'wow.'

A knock at the door snapped me out of my thinking space. I quickly hidden the notebook in my bedside drawer and shouted a 'Come in.'

The door open and Jimin stood there not smiling or saying hi, just a blank face looking at me.

"Jin hyung told me to come and tell you that dinner is ready. So hurry up and come in, unless you want him to go in a rampage." Jimin said and walked away, shutting the door. I sighed as I realised how much I fucked up, he probably hates me now and I don't blame him. But at the same time it wasn't really my fault, I didn't know he likes me! Well did like me, but yet again I'm too much of a coward to even tell him that I like him, even though I know he liked me back. Sighing one more time, I got up and walked out of my bedroom and into the kitchen with the others, with one thought in my mind.

'Get Park Jimin to like me again.'

During dinner I was eating really slowly while looking at Jimin, who sat across from me.

For someone reason I find it fascinating when he eats, well everything he does is fascinating to me. But anyways, I couldn't stop looking at his features, his clear honey tone skin, his beautiful eyes that disappears when he laughs or smiles, his li-

Oh shit! He caught me staring!

Jimin frowned at me and said.

"Can you not?" I got my confidence, raised my right eyebrow and said.

"And why not? I'm allowed to look at art." Jimin blushed slightly but kept his annoyed frown look at me.

"Stop it."

"And what if I don't what are you gonna do about it?" I said while crossing my arms.

"You want to choke on your food? Cause I can make that happen." I smirked at him and replied.

"I'd rather choke on your dick. You think you can make that happen, babe?" He started coughing slightly, wide eyes, shocked with what I said.

"I'm finished my dinner. I'm gonna go to my room." Jimin said quietly as he got up, put the dishes in the sink and went into his room. When I turned back around everyone was looking at me shocked and confused. Apart from. Namjoon he was looking at me with a small smirk.

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