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"Guys early night tonight." Namjoon said walking into the living room after coming back from a meeting. The guys turned to him puzzled.

"But don't we have a break, jonnie?" Jin asked. Namjoon's face went pink from the nickname.

"We did but the concert has been moved, so now we have a week to prepare."

"What concert?" Jin asked back.

"The charity one, we were meant to be doing next month."

"Okay." Tae said half sad cause he wanted the break but half happy because it's for charity.

"So get your lazy ass up and to your bedroom, early night tonight!" Namjoon said and left to go get ready for his bed.

Everyone groaned and got up dreading tomorrow.

I was both excited and nervous, nervous cause I don't wanna fuck up the moves and have Hoseok shout at me. Cause let's just say having a black eye for the charity concert isn't gonna go great for him. I'm also excited cause, well.... how can I not?! I mean have you seen Jimin's ass and the way he dances?!

I shook my head to try and get rid of the thoughts and went to my room to sleep.

Time Skip After The Dance Practices and Straight to the concert(cause I'm too lazy😆)

~No ones Point Of View~

Yes Yoongi made mistakes again. Yes it's because he keeps looking at Jimin. And no he kinda doesn't regret it. Since he got a good view but then got shouted at by Hoseok again.

But now it's the charity concert and he has to be careful not to fuck up.

Throughout the concert Yoongi kept looking at Jimin like he wanted to pounce on him, but he also looked at him lovingly. Which of course the fans noticed and was loving every second of the Yoonmin moments.

After the concert they were back stage and everyone was getting ready so they can leave, Jimin was on his phone and Yoongi was lying down on the couch wanting to sleep. Yoongi and Jimin were the first ones to get changed into they're normal clothes so they can relax.

Jimin was trying to finish a story he started to read by vkookminseoky called kookie is typing. Jimin would laugh every now and then at the funny texts from the story. And then out the blue all you can hear was a sassy "oh no he didn't!" From Jimin as he got too into the story.

The guys never paid much attention to him cause they're all used to him being like this when he reads a story.

When he finished catching up on it, he then went onto Twitter and seen thousands of post already from they're charity concert.

He clicked on it to look at the videos and photos but what he didn't expect was the hashtag that is treading at No.1.


He clicked on it and what he seen was all the photos and videos of Yoongi looking at him hungrily but also lovingly. Jimin looked over at Yoongi, smirking he walked over to him and kneeled down beside him at the couch.

"Hyung." When Yoongi heard his voice he quickly opened his eyes and seen a smirking Jimin.

"Are you hungry Yoongi?" Jimin asked, Yoongi tilted his head slightly at the question.

"Why are you asking me that?"

"Cause you looked hungry at the concert." Jimin replied. It just made Yoongi more confused, so Jimin just turned his phone around showing Yoongi what he meant.

Yoongi got embarrassed as he quickly sat up and took the phone out off his hands. Yoongi then found a few pictures of Jimin so he clicked on one and said.

"Yeah well I can say the same for you." He turned the phone around and showed Jimin the picture.

It was a picture of Yoongi standing rapping his part as everyone else had to squat down. Jimin having the spot were he's able to look at Yoongi's dick which he did while biting his bottom lip. Jimin didn't reacted to it instead he said.

"To be fair I went to look up at you while you were rapping cause I like the emotions you show while you do. But when I started to move my head up to look at you my eyes caught something better, it was t my fault that you had a boner.... well it kinda was but something like that makes it hard not to look." Yoongi was speechless not knowing how to retaliate. Jimin then took his back back as his smirk reappeared again.

"You know if you were hungry all you had to do was say and I would've let you have a little taste, babyboy." Yoongi was blushing like mad as he quickly stood up and shouted.

"Yah! Everyone! Are you all ready yet to go?!" They all jumped not expecting Yoongi to shout.

"Yeah we're ready, why?" Namjoon said.

"Cause I want to go home now I'm really tired." They all nodded as everyone collected they're things and walked out and into the van. Yoongi tried not not sit next to Jimin, but the damn guys are big Yoonmin shippers and they managed to make Yoongi and Jimin sit in the two seats at the back themselves.

Throughout the whole journey the guys at the front were talking, as the two boys at the back were silent Jimin having his hand on Yoongi's thigh and Yoongi trying not to let it get to him. But also trying to get Jimin's hand away when they went a little too far up.

Yoongi wishing in his head that it will all be over soon.

Not prove read.
vkookminseoky she has a new book out called kookie is typing. It's really good and you should read it, the story is also funny!! Her stories always puts a smile on my face so yous should check it out!!☺️💞

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