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~Yoongi's Point Of View~

We were all eating our breakfast that Jin made, however I was eating mines slowly. Because I don't normally wake up this early and I'm too tired for this. Jin then came back in from Jimin's room and had an empty plate and cup, as he sat them in the stink, put some more food on everyone's plate, filled our cups and sat down to eat with us.

After 6 minutes of silence Jin then spoke up.


"Hmm?" I hummed to let him know I'm listening. I then looked up to see him moving his food about slightly. But he then carried on with what he was saying.

"Jimin...." he looked away from his food and straight into my eyes."

"How did you tell him about, you know."

"I let him down nicely." Jin then snorted at me. Like did he just actually do that?! I was getting a little annoyed now.


"Yoongi no matter how nice you can be, no matter how nicely you do it. No one can let anyone down nicely especially if they like that person."

"He doesn't like me hyung."

"And how do you know huh? You're not him, for all you know he might like you. Just because people don't show things doesn't mean they don't actually feel it. It's like when you have a poker face on. And pretend you're mean and don't care when in fact you do." He started to raise his voice a little so I decided to do it as well.

" You know hyung it's not my fault if he likes me. It's not my fault if I'm not gay or bi. It's not my fault if you can't let down someone nicely. So get off my back." I then stood up angry and walked into my bedroom.

"Stupid Jin thinking he can try and make me feel guilty. It's not my fucking fault if he likes me." I mumbled into myself, I was so annoyed with him making out like I'm a bad guy. I punched the wall and made a hole in it I then thought, 'that's gonna come out of my pay check.' I mentally slapped myself.

After 4 hours of sleeping to calm myself down I walked out of my room. And sat with the guys I then looked around the room and noticed Jimin still isn't with us. So I got up and walked to his bedroom. But the second I walked in he woke up, he was rubbing his eyes with his hands in a fist, messy hair and he asked.

"Yoongi hyung? Why are you in here is everything okay?" God he's cute when he just wakes up.

"Ah nothing I never seen you all morning, so I thought I would come in and check on you. Are you okay?" He smiled slightly and said.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just didn't have a good sleep last night I was just overly tired."

"Ah I see.... Are you still tired?"

"No I feel better now."

"Food, I mean good. Why don't you come in the living room with me? everyone is in there."

"Sure why not." He then jumped out his bed and went into the living room with me.

Jin noticed us coming in and said.

"Oh morning Jiminie~ how was your sleep~?"

"Good." He said with a big smile. He then went over to sit in between Jin and namjoon. So I just went over and sat next to Hoseok and rest my head on him. Too lazy to keep it up myself, but Hoseok is a really nice guy. he doesn't mind when people do these kind of things.

I seen at the corner of my eye that Jimin was looking at me every now and then. Until Jin put his arm around him in a converting way and then a few seconds later Jimin was hugging him. Is he upset or something? Is that why he was sleeping for so long? I shook my head slightly to get rid of the thoughts. And turned back to the TV that Jungkook and Taehyung were playing on.

A few hours later and the guys left and it was just me and Jimin again. We were in the same position as yesterday but this time, I wasn't on my phone and Jimin is playing with my hair. Which is marking me nearly full asleep, 20 minutes has passed and before I knew it darkness took over. And I was in a relaxing sleep as Jimin is still playing with my hair.

I'm Not Gay//Yoonmin (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now