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I stare blankly at the article my jealousy starting to sink in and blinding me from any other options of what it could be.

What on Earth is even going on?

I put my phone back down and started blankly at the tv screen, suddenly not hungry anymore again.

Yet again I didn't know Jin came in trying to get my attention again. I finally looked at him and said.

"I'm not hungry anymore." Jin's smile fell and he looks sad.

"Yoongs please, eat something." He said. I just looked away and carried on to look at the tv blankly not paying attention to it.

Jin sighed and walked away to the kitchen.

~No ones Point Of View~

Jin went back into the kitchen with the bawl of fruit placing it on the table for Yoongi just in case. And sat down across from it.

"So I'm guessing he changed his mind again?" Jungkook asked. Jin only nodded his head as a 'yes' and sighed again.

"I don't know what's wrong with him, but when I came with the fruit he was even more worse than he was before I got him to accept to eat." He said back.

"I don't know what to do now." Jin added on.

"Nothing hyung, you can't do anything right now but wait till Jimin comes home." Jungkook answered him. Jin just sighed one last time as he leaned his head on the table.


The front door went and Jimin walked in and seen Yoongi staring blankly at the tv screen. But just when he was about to go over and see if he's okay, Jin came out from the kitchen and told Jimin to follow him.

The both walked into the kitchen and the bowl of cut up fruit was still on the table, but it was that horrible way when you leave it out for too long.

Jimin looked at it then at Jin.

"Why is that there? Shouldn't it be thrown out by now?" Jimin asked Jin and looked at all the members. Everyone is there except for Yoongi who's in the living room.

"Jimin sit I have to talk to you." Jin said sitting down and Jimin sitting across from him.

"Yoongi has been acting weird, when he found out that you went out he's just been staring at the tv screen blankly. He hasn't been eating, I finally got him to agree to eat a light snack before his dinner but when I walked back out with the bowl of fruit he didn't want it anymore. And stared blankly at the tv screen, he was more worse than before he agreed to the food. That's his bowl of fruit that you seen, he hasn't touched it or any other food or water today. Jimin I'm getting really worried, it's not healthy for him to do this." Jin finally finished on catching Jimin up with what's been happening. Jimin was sitting there listening very carefully and was a little worried himself now.

"It's okay hyung, I'll talk to him." Jimin got up and walked back into the living room. He went over to Yoongi and kneeled down beside him.

Jimin placed his hand on Yoongi's thigh and called out his name gently.

Yoongi heard Jimin's voice, turned his head slowly towards him.

"Yoongi baby, what's wrong?" Jimin asked softly. Yoongi looked down to were Jimin's hand is and kinda roughly pushed it off as he stood up.

"Don't pretend you don't know." Yoongi said a little angry and walked off to his bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him.

Jimin quickly got up and went into Yoongi's bedroom but this time he shut the door more nicer.

I'm Not Gay//Yoonmin (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now