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6 hours later

Yoongi came into the living room after his 'little nap'.

"Hyung!" Jimin shouted, the said boy looked over at him.

"Can you believe that I'm grounded?!" Yoongi giggled as he went to sit down with him.

"It's your fault Jimin." Jin said from the kitchen doorway as he was making dinner. Jimin only huffed and crossed his arms, pouting.

"But I-" he was interrupted by Jin.

"Diner is ready children!"

They all went to the kitchen to eat dinner, Jungkook being the last one in.

"Guys have you all seen the videos of us at the charity concert?" Jungkook said.

"No why?" Namjoon asked.

"I think the fans know that Yoonmin is real."

"Wait what?" Namjoon said then took Jungkook's phone to look at it.

There he sees a lot of photos of Yoonmin looking at each other or bitting their lip or when they get too close they're acting more flirty than they should.

Namjon slowly looked up and over to the couple, their laughing and doing a lot of skin ship.

"Yah!" Everyone including the couple jumped not expecting Namjoon to yell at anyone.

"Yous have to stop flirting like that on the damn stage." Namjoon said in a strict voice.

"I don't see the problem though, it's not like we were making out or fucking on stage in front of them." Jimin said.

"That's not the point, yous have to keep it a secret for now at least."

"But all of yous do it too."

"It's acting we're just giving the fans what they want."

"Yeah sureee." Jimin said sarcastically.

"We can just pretend that we were just acting." Yoongi said.

"Just calm it down." Namjoon said as he started eating his breakfast after giving his phone back to Jungkook.

Once Yoongi and Jimin finished their dinner they went to Yoongi's room to watch a movie while cuddling.

"I feel bad for Jimin's room." Taehyung said.

"Why?" Jungkook asked.

"Cause since those two started going out Jimin's room hasn't been used. The only time he goes in there is for clothes or whatnot, other than that he sleeps over in Yoongi's room." Jungkook nodded his head agreeing with him.

"I don't care as long as they don't do anymore inappropriate things then I'm fine." Jin said.

"Hyung that was literally like six hours ago, let it go." Namjoon said.

"Not when I'm here." He said back. Everyone went to finish the food.

Not prove read.
I'm so sorry, this is the shortest chapter that I've ever done but I have bad writers block so I wasn't sure what I was writing.🤦🏻‍♀️

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