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~Yoongi Point Of View~

It was currently 7:00 am and I've been walking backwards and forwards in my room. Mumbling to myself while biting my nails.

"I like him, what am I gonna do? I'm scared, no one is gonna accept me are they? Jimin is gonna hate me when he finds out I know it." I sighed in frustration as I carried on mumbling to myself to busy to know what's happing.

"Fuck.... Fuck.... fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck-"

"Hyung?" I stopped pacing and looked at who interrupted me.

"What Namjoon?"

"Why were you saying 'fuck' non stop?"

"I-I wasn't, what did you want Joon?"

"Oh that's right, Jin hyung told me to wake you up for breakfast." I just looked at him for a few minutes with a blank face then walked out, Namjoon following behind me to the kitchen.

It's not even been 5 minutes since we all sat down and started eating and already Namjoon is looking at me again like he knows something. I tried to ignore it as best as I can but it's starting to piss me off the guy only ate 2 mouthful of the damn food! He has to stop.

"Stop staring at me like that Namjoon." I said annoyance flowing out of my mouth. However he's still at it, I slammed my fork down and glared at him which doesn't seem to work. He must be to busy thinking about something, but he doesn't need to look at me like this when he does.

By now everyone has stopped eating to look at what's happening.

"Joon.... Joon.... Joon...." Jin was trying to get his attention as he was poking his arm and saying his name.

"For god sakes NAMJOON!" Jin shouted the last part and slapped him on the head. Finally he snapped out of it and turned to look at Jin a little confused.

"Yah what's up with you huh? Stop staring at Yoongi like that and eat your damn breakfast! You only ate two bits of it!" Jin scolded Joon and I tried not to laugh about it as we all started eating again.

After breakfast me and Namjoon were the only ones left in the kitchen as it was our turn to wash the dishes. It was quiet just how I like it, Namjoon was too busy thinking about something he didn't dare to speak up.

When we finished washing the dishes, we walked out of the kitchen and into the livingroom no one in sight and Namjoon right behind me.

"Y and J sitting in a tree, K. I. S. S. I. N. G." I turned around and looked at him unimpressed ass he smirks but he just carries on singing it.

"First comes love then comes marriage then comes baby in a- oh hey Jimin." I turned around and seen Jimin looking puzzled as I tried to calm myself down so my cheeks don't go red from embarrassment.

"Who's Y and J?"

"No one Jimin." Jimin just stood there looking at us for a few minutes. Until he gasped dramatically, I just stood here patiently waiting for Jimin to say something, a little nervous encase he found out who it was that Namjoon was singing about.

"It's you isn't it hyung?"

"I-umm...." I stuttered not knowing what to say back to him.

"It is but.... Who is J? Is it Jin hyung? *Gasps* It's Jungkook isn't it?!" I frowned my eyebrows a little.

"Wait what? No of course not Jimin." Jimin just stood there for a few seconds then ran away.

I turned back around to Namjoon and said with a cold stare. "Your so fucking dead."

~Jimin Point Of View~

I ran into Jungkook's bedroom and slammed the door shut and locked it, when I tuned around I can see Jungkook looking at me like I'm a weirdo.

"Jimin hyung why-" He got interrupted by me hitting him with a pillow and saying 'I hate you.' and 'Why you and not me?'

After a few minutes of hitting him with a pillow and repeating the same words over and over again. Jungkook then grabbed my wrists to stop me and that's when he noticed that I was crying, as he pulled me onto his bed and was hugging me sideways while rubbing my arm.

"Hyung what happened? tell me please."

"Y-Yoongi hyung he-he likes y-you and n-not m-me." I tried to tell him in between hiccups.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I heard N-Namjoon hyung s-singing that song t-that people sing. W-when someone l-likes s-someone and he said 'Y a-and J' it c-can't be Jin h-hyung because J-Joon hyung likes him so he w-wouldn't sing it about him. A-and the o-only other person with a-a J is y-you."

I then started crying even harder not being able to stop myself.

About half an hour later and I finally calmed down and was just hiccuping a little. Jungkook then took it as a cue to talk again.

"Jimin hyung I'm not the only one with the name that starts with a J. You do to, he could be singing about you." I looked up at him, during the time I was crying I managed to be lying down with my head on his legs hugging his waist without realising.

"No Kook it isn't he wouldn't like me, I don't blame him either."

"Don't say that hyung, everyone actually thinks that he likes you but he hasn't realised it yet. Maybe that's why he was singing that song to try and get Yoongi hyung to realise that he likes you."

I just shook my head 'no' and let Jungkook rub circles onto my back and say all the reasons why Yoongi would like me as I slowly fell asleep.

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