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~No ones Point Of View~

Next Day

"Prove it or it didn't happen!"

"It damn well did!"

"Then prove it!"

"Fine!" Hoseok walked out the kitchen and into Jimin's room since he was at the shop getting a few snacks, he then walked into the living room and seen everyone sitting down and Jin walking out of the kitchen and sat down. Hoseok then went over to Namjoon handing out the teddy and said.

"Nam, hold this for me for a few minutes. Thanks." Namjoon nodded as he took it, not concentrating on who's or what kind of teddy it is, too busy watching the tv.

In just a matter of a few seconds when everyone turned away, they all heard a quiet 'shit' and turned around to see Namjoon with the teddy's head in one hand and the body in the other. Everyone looked at him with wide eyes at how quick he can destroy something in the matter of seconds.

"This is his favourite teddy." Namjoon said as you can hear how scared he is. It was silent for a minute, but then all you would hear was Yoongi saying.

"Wait that's his favourite teddy? That's the one I got him." They all looked at him as Yoongi had a small smile trying to not let it get any bigger.


The second they hear the door clicking open everyone froze and looked at it waiting for jimin to come in.

"Hey! I got everyone something to ea-" Jimjn stooped and looked at Namjoon with his teddy in his hands. Jimin let go of the bags and in the matter of seconds he went from cute little harmless boy to a devil.

Everyone looked at Jimin's eyes. It changed, it's different, it just doesn't look like Jimin. All the member were really scared of Jimin at this moment not wanting to be there but are too scared to move.

However, Namjoon. He's petrified as he went through this before. Jimin has a blank face but his eyes showed how angry he is.

"You.... you ruined it again." Jimin said in a calm but scary voice.

"I told you whhat will happen if you touch gummy again." Namjoon gulped throat going dry like the Sahara Desert, not able to speak to tell him what happened.

"I FUCKING TOLD YOU! AND YET YOU DONE IT AGAIN!" Jimin screamed. Namjoon burst out crying, last time he lasted at least a little longer but this time was different. Jimin was shouting last time but right at this moment he was screaming at him.

"You're done for now." Jimin said in a deep scary voice. He walked over to Namjoon, Namjoon standing up quickly so he can escape, but just right when he stood up Jimin grabbed the collar of his shirt and smacked him on the wall. The noice was heard throughout the dorm, Namjoon's face showing how much pain he's in.

Jimin then got closer to his face and said deeply and low.

"You clearly didn't learn from the last time so let me learn you properly this time." His hand that's down beside him was in a hard fist.

Jin seeing his shouted at Jimin.

"Yah! Jimin! Stop it right now!" Jimin looked over with the most deadly stare scaring the shit out of Jin. Jin quickly shit his mouth and Jimin turned back around raising his fist. All you could hear is Namjoon's quick breathing, crying and Jin saying 'someone please do something.' Yoongi decided to finally speak up.

"Jiminie. Please..." he said in a soft voice.

"Please don't do it, we can fix him okay? We can use Jin's sewing kit and if we can't do it properly then Jin can do it. He's a pro at it."

"That's not the point, if I don't teach him a lesson then he's gonna keep doing it, I love this teddy so much and he's already ripped the head off him ." Jimin growled.

"Please Jimin for me?" When Jimin heard that he went soft but still looked at Namjoon with a killer stare.

Yoongi walked over to them and put his hand on the back of Jimin's neck rubbing his finger moving on his neck in a pattern. Jimin put his fist down and let go of Namjoon, turning around and hugged Yoongi as he hugged Jimin back.

" come on. Let's get gummy and go to my room to sew him." Jimin nodded as they both went away after picking up gummy.

They all turned around, Namjoon slowly slid down the wall hugging his knees crying, still scared with what just happened. Jin quickly ran over, sat next to him and pulled him into a hug.

"Damn he was worse than last time." Hoseok said. Taehyung dropped to his knees as he was so scared his knees were weak. Hoseok quickly picked him up and moved him to the couch, he sat next to him hugging to try and calm him down.

*Meanwhile In Yoongi's Room*

They finally managed to stitch his teddy up and it looks pretty damn good for they're first time sewing a teddy.

But now Jimin is in Yoongi's arms crying as he feels bad for what just happened.

"I feel bad, but at the same time it's what he deserves, he shouldn't be going into my room and breaking my things that I love the most." After about 5 more minutes Jimjn calmed down and it didn't look like he was crying when you look at him.

"Jimin there's something I have to tell you...."

Not prove read.
Just wanted to post something cause if I didn't then I won't till like weeks later😂😂 also I thought I would do a cliffhanger cause I like them so why not 😂😏

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