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~Yoongi's Prov~

I tried to avoid Jimin a little today so I could collect my thoughts on how to tell him.

After dance practice Jin went to the bathroom first to shower so as we were all waiting. I walked into Jimin and Jin's bedroom to talk to him. I chapped the door and once I heard a faint 'come in' I slowly opened the door and closed it behind me. As I carefully walked over to him and the second I sat on the edge of his bed I said.

"Jimin we need to talk." He quickly looked up getting more comfortable and motioned me to carry on. I took a deep breath and said.

"Jimin I just want to say that I- I don't want to lead you on and-"

"What do you mean hyung?"

"Jimin I'm not gay or bisexual-"

"But you got a boner-"

"Stop interrupting me when I'm saying something it's important. And I was sexually frustrated so when you touched me it just happened. Look Jimin please listen I'm not gay nor bisexual I'm sorry and I'm telling you so I don't lead you on. And I have no idea if I did but if I had done it I'm so sorry Jimin.... That I lead you on."

When I was looking at him he looked sad but he tried to hide it and said.

"It's okay hyung I understand I guess I was sexually frustrated and got confused, goodnight."

"Goodnight Minie."

The second I got to the kitchen I sighed really deeply. Feeling so guilty especially when I seen Jimin's sad looking face it made me-

"What's wrong Min?" I turned around just to see that Namjoon was the one who interrupted me.

"I told him Joon." He nodded and replied.

"It's for the best Yoongs you don't want to be leading him on."

"Yeah I know but you didn't see his face.... I feel so guilty." Namjoon came closer to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"You will feel guilty but what you got to remember is that he will get over it."

~Jimin's point of view~

I was crying under my covers 'I lied Yoongi I am gay and I'm not sexually frustrated or confused' 'he'll never love me' 'no one will ever love me' 'I don't blame them I mean look at me' 'god why am I so chubby I hate it!' 'I just wish that-' my bed sank down next to me signalling that someone is sitting there. I was too busy with my thoughts I didn't hear someone coming in and calling my name.

"Jimin what's wrong? Who's ass do I need to beat up?" Eomma Jin!! I quickly turned around and hugged his waist as I was lying down and he was sitting up. I was crying my heart out to him.

"Eomma he doesn't like me back, he doesn't even like me that way! What do I do? I can't stop liking him. And I told him I was also sexually frustrated and confused" Jin just said sweet things to me while hugging and rubbing my back. Which helped me as I fell asleep crying and to Jin humming.

I woke up the next morning but instead of running into to the kitchen to eat Jin's amazing food. I just stayed in bed smelling the food as I was thinking. You know maybe it is better if I just try to get over him, yes it will be difficult but I have to at least try I work and live with him. As I was debating on what to do I heard the door open with foot steps.

"Jimin hun.... do you wanna come have breakfast with us?" Jin said in such a relaxing calm voice.

"No thank you, please just tell the guys I'm still sleeping and you couldn't wake me up."

"Sure, I understand but please don't miss out meals today or I will force feed you." I just hummed in reply and heard the door shut....

30 minutes later and there was a light knock on the door- wait I know who this is. I quickly close my eyes forgetting I was facing the door and wanted to turn around. But it was to late, the door opened and in came the one and only Min Yoongi. I heard him put something on the table next to my bed and pulled out a chair.

"You look so peaceful when you sleep. I brought you in some breakfast, you have to eat." He then moved a few stands of my hair out of my face and carried on.

"I'm so sorry I really didn't mean to lead you on, and I hope I'm not the reason that your like this.... you know since you never miss a meal with us and always come running in everyday. Don't think I haven't noticed I have, your my favourite dongsaeng and I'll always be here for you no matter what."

As he was saying this he was petting my head and tangling his fingers in my hair. It felt nice but I couldn't focus from his words and his hand petting my head.... it's too much feelings all in one and without knowing my breathing became quicker every second. And unfortunately a little someone noticed.

"Jimin?" He said calmly but I would hear a little bit of worry in it.

"Jimin are you okay?" He then started to shake me a little and said.

"Jimin.... Jimin wake up please." I pretended that I just woken up for the first time this morning, looking around my room slightly, then to him and said.

"Yoongi?" I sat up, rubbed my eyes with a slight pout and carried on.

"Yoongi, what are you doing here? Is everything okay? What happened?"

"Yeah everything is fine Jimin, you just had a nightmare.... what was it about?"

"I'm not sure, I can't remember." He just nodded and picked up one of those tray table things, and replied.

"I brought you some breakfast, please eat it and I will not leave no matter what until you finish it all."

I have a lot  more stories in my draft and I've still haven't finished them😂 I'm working on a new story though called Teacher it's a Yoonmin story and I'm actually gonna try and finish it so I can post it.

I'm Not Gay//Yoonmin (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now