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~Still Yoongi's Point Of View~

Something at the corner of my eye caught my intention....

I moved my eyes a little to the side to see a bit more better. It was Jimin bitting his lips and looking at my thighs, I shook my head slightly and went back to the game and so did Jimin.

Another half an hour into the game and I'm starting to finally win. Like I'm actually beating him! But suddenly I felt something on my thigh which made me lose my concentration and the game. Just when I was finally winning he goes and does that?!

I look to my right where Jimin is and we locked eyes, he bit his bottom lip while moving his hand up a little and squeezing it slightly every two seconds.

I said quietly so no one else can hear, I don't want Jimin to get embarrassed when he snaps out of it just because I said it loud and the members seen it.

"Yah Jimin, stop." He didn't listen to me so I said it more strict.

"Jimin seriously stop it." Again moving and he's getting further up.

"Jimin I'm warning you, stop it right now." I glared at him.

Jimin got a bit more closer and asked "Why? What's wrong with it hyung??"

The hell can he ask that with a soft voice and his face looking innocent?!

"Because Jimin, you know I'm not gay so stop it." Jimin tilted his head like a confused puppy and said.

"No hyung.... I think your lying to yourself." Again still going further up, I have to stop him.

"Park Jimin, this is enough. You're getting far to close to somewhere you shouldn't, so if you wanna keep your hand attached to you then I think you should stop and get your hand off me." I seethed through my teeth.

But to my surprise this little horny motherfucker is still bloody going!!

Suddenly I heard a voice.

"Jimin?! What- kitchen now." Jin demanded, Jimin got up and walked to the kitchen with him. Thank fuck, thank you Jin what a life saver.

~Jimin's Point Of View~

Me and Jin stood in the kitchen, me felling a bit nervous for what he's wanting to talk about, and Jin had his hand on his tilted him sassily and said.

"Care to explain to me, why there was about to be live porn for everyone to see. Especially when Jungkook and Taehyung are basically still children who shouldn't see those kind of things. For crying out loud Jimin you're still a baby too why in earth would you do that?! When you're still a baby yourself!" I put my head down in Shane starting to tear up a little and replied.

"I know but.... but.... I just can't help myself I tried to hold back, I did. But then I noticed Yoongi was wearing shorts and they ride up a little.... I just couldn't contain myself...." I finally looked back up at Jin with my shinny eyes.

"Please help me." Jin grabbed me into a hug, he had one hand on my upper back and the other stroking through my hair to calm me. As I non stopped cried into his arms. "Please, I'm begging you. It hurts so much I can't do this, knowing he doesn't love me back it's just getting far too much for me."

"Shhh.. I know, I know. I will try and help you, we all will." Jin said while still massaging my head to calm me and patting my back.

About 30 minutes later and I stopped crying, however I was so drained out I could literally just fall to the ground and sleep right now. So when I moved away from Jin I said a goodnight and started to walk to my room, into my bed and slept instantly.

~Yoongi's Point Of View~

I seen Jinin coming out of the kitchen but just when I was about to say something. He speed walked into his room, Jin then came out and sat in the couch, I paused the game and turned to him.

"Jin.... is Jimin okay?"

"He's just-"

"I swear I didn't do anything, I didn't lead him on I swear I was just-"

"Wahhh Yoongi slow down, I know you didn't he's just tired."

"I know he says he's just sexually frustrated but come on. He's taking it a little too far now." I huff as I get up to go to my room, lay on my bed and just looked at the ceiling thinking.

'Do I like Jimin? I mean it felt quite nice- what am I saying?! Of course I don't like Jimin in that way. I'm just sexually frustrated like Jimin is.'

"I swear to god this is stressing me out!!" I hear a knock on the door and told hem to come in.

"Hyung, are you okay??"

"Yeah, sorry I didn't mean to shout."

"Okay but if you ever need to talk I'm here for you okay."

"Yeah I know thanks man." He smiled slightly as he walked back out and left me with my thoughts again.

I looked over to the clock and without realising it was nearly 3 in He morning.

"Ah I was wondering why I was so tired." I mumbled into myself, got under my covers and went to sleep.

I'm Not Gay//Yoonmin (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now