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~Namjoon's Point Of View~

"I-I think that I m-might be g-gay."

I just sat there looking at him, trying to let the information sink in. I then snapped out of my dazed state and nodded at him slowly.

"I know. And I'm glad you told me.... trust me when I say this, it's okay to be gay."

"I'm scared." He replied back still looking down at his hands, fiddling with his fingers.

"Scared? Scared of what?" I asked. Frowning slightly.

"Everything.... I'm scared incase everyone will hate me."

"Yoongs, look at me please." He finally looked up at me. As I carried on.

"No one is gonna hate you. No matter what you do we will always love you and be there for you." He nodded his head with a slight smile on his face, as he looked back down again.

"So.... what made you realise that you're gay?" He giggle slightly then looked back up to me.

"Jimin." I looked at him, smirking.

"So why don't you ask him out then?" He shook his head as a 'no' and said.

"I'm too scared."


"Of Jimin rejecting me."

"You're such an idiot, he's not gonna reject you. He like you and everyone can see it."

"No umtil he tells me he does, I won't believe it. I personally think that he's just sexually frustrated and that's why he's taking it out on me, just.... promise me you won't tell him and the others?"

"I promise. If you don't want anyone to know yet, then I won't tell anyone." He smiled slightly to me and replied.

"Thanks man."

"No problem, yoongs."

"Oh another thing!" He said a little loud and swung his head up to look at me.

"You have to hear the dream that I had!"


"No way!" I started laughing my ass off at his dream he just told me.

"I'm serious! It was so weird!"

"Wait wait wait.... is that why you screamed 'fuck' earlier? It wasn't because you stubbed your toe?"

"Nope. I shouted that because I couldn't believe what dream I had, and I said it was my toe because I didn't want to tell Jimin about it." I bursted our laughing again wiping the tears from my eyes, trying to calm down a little.

"Like I can't believe it myself! Top Jimin?! Nah uh!" When I finally calmed down I replied back to him.

"You know, I can't believe that Jimin can be a top. I mean look at him! Did you like it though?" I asked as I smirked at him.

Next thing I knew his cheeks were a light shade of pink, while opening and closing his mouth like a fish.

"Omg! You did! Didn't you?!"

"Actually.... that's what I was thinking when we were in the living room."

"What where you thinking about?"

"Well.... I was thinking that I'm a top and Jimin is a bottom. And all you need to do to believe me is look at that ass that says 'I'm a bottom, come and get me.' But at the same time his ass says. 'Yoongi, come get me.' But then I started thinking, 'what if Jimin was a top?' And 'he's the only one that I'd probably let top me.' Like I would probably let him just to try it but at the same time I'm the more dominant one."

"Well, try it then. There's nothing stopping you." Yoongi glared at me from the side.

"No. I'm not just gonna hook up with him just because she's sexually frustrated, or because I just wanna 'try something out'. I'm only gonna do it if we both like each other."

I nodded my head, understanding what he was meaning. We sat here quite for ten more minutes before I started to speak up.

"I'll try and help you."

"With what?"

"For when you want to come out to everyone, and to also try and find out if Jimin likes you."

"But when I do decide to tell everyone, I do t want Jimin to know."

"That's fine. After you tell the guys but not Jimin, I will try and find out if he likes you or not." I said with a proud smile, thinking that my plan was bulletproof.

Yoongi nodded his head and stood up, as I also stood up as well. He then stepped closer and grabbed me into a tight hug.

"Thanks man, I really appreciate this." He said, but his voice was muffled by my shoulder. I giggled and said.

"No problem, yoongs. I'm always here for you.... and plus, I'm your leader, so you're meant to come to me for help or advice." He just hummed then let go off me.

"Let's get back to the living room, before the guys notice we're gone and start asking 20 questions." I nodded as we went back to the living room.

Once we got there I sat down in my seat I had that was beside Yoongi, as he carefully moved Jimin's head, sat down and carefully placed his head back on his shoulder. Jimin then squirmed a little, digging his face into the crook of Yoongi's neck, making cute noises. I could see how aw'ed Yoongi was while staring at him listening to the cute noises Jimin was making. He then turned over to look at me, as I smiled and he smiled back.

'I really hope they go out, they look perfect for each other.' I thought as I then turned back to the tv and carried on watching the movie.

Not prove read.
Sorry if it's rubbish, I was rushing it.
And also every time I typed 'Jimin' my autocorrect kept changing it to 'Kimono'.😂😂

I'm Not Gay//Yoonmin (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now