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The next day

Yoongi went to Jimin's bedroom and chapped his door, a low 'come in.' Was heard on the other side.

Yoongi opened the door, shutting it behind him, walking over to Jimin and putting his hand out in front of him.

Jimin looked down to see a note book with a picture of Yoongi on the front, he took it from his hands, placing it on his desk that he's sitting next to. Yoongi then said quietly.

"Are you mad at me?" He kept his gaze on the floor, Jimin gently grabbed Yoongi's wrist and pulled h to sit on his lap. When Yoongi sits down Jimin speaks up in quiet but gentle voice.

"Why? Cause you stole my diary?" Yoongi only nodded, as Jimin hummed.

"I'm not mad that you took it, I don't care if it was you who found and read it. I was just mad cause I thought it was one of the other's who took it, I didn't want them to know every single thing that I was thinking. But since it's about you I don't actually care if you read it." Jimin softly stokes Yoongi's cheek with his left thumb, Yoongi leans into the touch with a slight smile and his eyes closed.

"Can I ask you something Yoongi?" Yoongi nodded, opening his eyes and bringing his head back up straight to look at Jimin better.

"I wanted to ask you yesterday but the guys came in and ruined the moment...." he paused looking at Yoongi in his eyes with love.

"Yoongi. You're just so precious and I was nervous before to ask but now I'm not. But if you want sometime to think about the question then that's fine cause I will wait all my life and the after life after I die for your answer. I will also respect you and your decision, I will be there for you when you get into a relationship and if you need help wit them I will be there. So what I'm trying to say to you is that...." jimin took a little breath in and carried on.

"You're everything to me, will you make me the happiest I've ever been in my whole life by going out with me and becoming my boyfriend?" Yoongi stares into Jimin's eyes falling deeper for him the longer he stares.

"Of course I will!" He said and smiled, Jimin so happy smiled till his eyes disappeared. He then asked him.

"I know I never asked all the other times but.... can I kiss you?" Yoongi giggled.

"Of course you can Jimin, you don't have to ask." Jimin smiled as he leaned in closing the gap.

When Jimin's lips touched Yoongi's, Yoongi kissed back in a second. It was a slow passionate kiss. They can feel the love the both males have for one another through it.

A few minutes later and they separated to get some air, as they leaned their head on each other. They smiled so widely.

"I know we just started going but I liked you since the day we first met, my feelings only got stronger the more I was with you. I love you Yoongs." Jimin whispered.

"I love you too, Jiminie." Yoongi whispered back.

They sat there smiling so widely you could probably count all their teeth.

Not prove read.
I don't know what I just done, but I wanted to upload a new story.😂🤦🏻‍♀️

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