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~Yoongi Point Of View~

It was now nearly 6:00 pm and I was already getting lazy, so I went to get into a comfortable position. Lying down on the couch with my head on Jimin's legs, he must've felt it because he looked down at me from the game he's been playing on the Xbox with Jungkook and Taehyung and smiled then went back to the game.

I was watching the game on the TV screen that they were using for their game. They were in a group and shooting.

"What game are you guys playing?" I mumbled thinking only Jimin would've heard me.

"Call Of Duty." Jungkook answered, I just hummed and carried on watching. after an hour I got bored and tuned my head around to look at Jimin.

He was concentrating so hard on the game he probably won't realise that I'm staring at him. He has his tongue sticking out a little, frowning slightly every once in a while and puffing his cheeks out when something nearly went wrong or when he nearly died.

for the first time I realised how beautiful jimin is and how-

No Yoongi your not gay. I turned my head to look up at the ceiling and just when I was slowly falling asleep I heard the three youngest whispering. But too tired to actually listen to them, everything was then going dark as sleep took over me.

~Jimin Point Of View~

I was too busy trying to kill people in the game but then I heard Tae whispering to me asking if Yoongi was asleep yet.

"I don't know?" I answered him but it sound more like question than a statement.

"Oh for crying out loud check hyung." Jungkoook whispered irritated. I looked down at his to see his beautiful relaxed figure sleeping as he was breathing calmly, I snapped out of it and quickly looked back up at the same saying.

"Yeah he fell asleep."

"Good." Jungkook said as he paused the game. I looked at him confused waiting for them to say something.

"So did you tell your boyfriend about the new Steve Akoi song that your singing in?" I blushed slightly realising he called Yoongi my 'boyfriend'.

"No and he isn't my boyfriend."

"But you like him."

"Yeah I know but that doesn't mean he's my boyfriend." My eyes widened and I quickly covered my mouth. Jungkook and Taehyung laughing quietly to not wake Yoongi up.

"Tae he finally said it." Jungkook said as he looked at Taehyung, Tae just smiling his signature boxy smile. I uncovered my mouth and asked them.

"How did you guys know?"

"You don't hide it hyung." Tae said smiling still.

"Yeah it like radiates off of you." jungkook said shrugging, I looked at him a little confused.

"But kook you're meant to be innocent. You complain when we have to do sexual dances and as the choreographer to change it to something more innocent." he giggled at he as he relpied with a smirk.

"I should be an actor, I fooled you all." me and Taehyung looked at each other shocked and looked back at kook with the same face expression.

"What? I'm 20 do you really think I know nothing? I was just pretending that I didn't. I mean it's funny to mess with you all. I'm actually more dirty minded than all of you guys, for crying out hyung I also seen what you were doing with Yoongi on the couch." he said winking at me then laughing at our reactions.

This little shit is gonna get it....

I kinda wanna do that again to him but it's just weird if I do it when he's sleeping. Or is it? Maybe he will like it, a nice way to wake-

"Hyung snap out of it." I looked up at Taehyung as he looks like he's trying to hold his laughter in. Jungkook then spoke up.

"What were you thinking of hyung?" he asked with a smirk, I blushed.

"N-nothing." I cursed myself in my head for stuttering.

"Yeah sure that's why you were looking down at Yoongi biting your lips?" I blushed so hard at that I probably look like a tomato. Tae and Kook laughing at me really loud as I mumbled a 'I'ts not funny'. And pouted slightly at them.

Suddenly Yoongi started to wake up and we all stopped what we were doing and looked at him, a little scared because. No. One. Wakes. Yoongi. Up, he's scary when you do. He stopped moving and kook and tae sighed in relive but there was something about Yoongi that looks different. I don't know what it was but I'm su-

His eyes twitched a little.


His eyes snapped opened so quickly no one had any time to react to it. my eyes widened at the action a little scared. I looked at tae and kook and their eyes were wide open as well and the second that Yoongi glared at them, they got up screaming as they ran away, they ran so quickly they were like the new Usain Bolt.

I looked back down at Yoongi and said.

"It wasn't me hyung I was quiet." He looked up at me with his beautiful cat like eyes and said.

"It's okay Jiminie I know it wasn't you, your laugh isn't irritating like those two, it's more angelic." be both looked at each other with slightly wide eyes when we realised what he said.

I couldn't stop blushing. We were quiet for 10 whole minutes and I was staring to get nervous until Yoongi broke the silence.

"I umm.... I-I about what I said-"

"CHILDREN!! COME AND EAT DINNER RIGHT NOW!!" Jin screamed from the kitchen.

We both quickly got up and ran into the kitchen, but because we were running to quickly and weren't watching what was around us, we managed to bump into Jin and now we were on top of each other Yoongi on Jin and I'm on Yoongi.

Groaning from all the pain we heard someone speak form the door way.

"Umm.... guys? What happened here?" I looked over to see Hoseok confused with everyone else behind him peaking over to see.

"These too idiots here ran straight into me knocking me over, and now they won't get off me!" Jin raised his voice at the end. So I quickly got up and help Yoongi up where as Namjoon came in and helped Jin up. All three of us were moaning and Yoongi turned around to me confused with his hand on his back and head.

"Why are you moaning? You got the the softest fall out of us." I put my hand on my ribs and said.

"You elbowed my ribs pretty hard when we fell." He looked at me worried as he moved my hand quickly and placed his on my ribs.

"I'm so sorry Jiminie! Omg are you okay?! I swear I didn't mean it! Please forgive me! Will you forgive me?!" I giggled and said.

"It's okay hyung , I'm fine, I forgive you." We were smiling for a few minutes before Jin cleared his throat.

"Oi love birds! hurry up can come eat. The same goes to the rest of you morons." blushing we all sat down for dinner.

Time Skip To After Dinner

~Yoongi Point Of View~

Everyone was out for a walk to get some fresh air, but me and Jimin stayed in not wanted to go out. So before I went to to go bed I wanted to check up on Jimin, when I opened his bedroom door and walked in I seen....


I was really tired and I was rushing it while writing this on my mum's laptop so it's probably not gonna be that good sorry. And also I didn't realise how long it was so I changed my mind and made it into a cliffhanger.

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