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Slight Smut Kinda?¿

Jimin walked into Yoongi's bedroom and locked the door behind him. Seeing Yoongi standing near his bed in his underwear with his hands about ready to pull down them.

When Yoongi heard the sound of someone in his room he was a little nervous as he turned around to see Jimin.

He didn't know what to do, Jimin was standing there with a slight smirk on his face.

"Need help with that baby boy?" Jimin asked walking closer to Yoongi, as Yoongi was walking backwards until he fell onto his bed, leaning on his elbows to keep him up a little to look at Jimin.

Jimin then crawled on top of Yoongi.

"We don't have to go all the way, if you want I can just give you a hand job, it's better than yourself doing it." Jimin said with a serious face but a soft tone to let Yoongi know that he wasn't forcing him to do anything he isn't ready for.

Yoongi looked down and took a couple of minutes to think about it. Looking back at Jimin he nodded his head 'yes'.

"Baby boy, you have to give me verbal consent even if it's just a hand job I don't wanna do it unless I hear the words out your mouth. I have to hear how sure you are about it." Jimin said in a smooth but strict voice.

"Yes, you can give me a hand job." Yoongi said lowly, Jimin smiled as he started.

He bent down farther and kissed Yoongi passionately to show him, even thought they aren't going all the way, he still loves Yoongi and not just his body.

Jimin slowly ran his hands down Yoongi's body that still has a top on, and to his underwear. Slowly he threaded his fingers under them getting ready to pull them off, Jimin paused as he pulled away from the kiss and looked at Jimin in his eyes.

"You sure about this kitten?" He asked as Yoongi said a small. "Yes." Jimin was about to pull Yoongi's underwear off until Yoongi stopped him by putting his hand on his.

"Wait." Jimin looked at him.

"What's wrong baby boy?"

"Please don't take them off, I'm a little self conscious." Jimin softly smiled at him as he bent over and kissed his forehead.

"That's okay as long as you're comfortable then I'm fine with that." Yoongi have Jimin a small smile. But that got quickly wiped off when he felt Jimin's hand on his member.

All Jimin did was hold it and Yoongi's breath was picking up.

Jimin started to slowly moved his hand, softly rubbing his thumb on his slit when his hand is at the tip.

Yoongi was now lowly moaning.

"J-Jimin-Jiminie." Yoongi moaned. Jimin smirk knowing what he wants.

"Say it kitten." He said in a low dominant voice.

"Faster, please-se go f-faster."

"As you wish."

Jimin started going quicker putting more pressure at the tip with his thumb. Yoongi gripped the bed sheets with his hands, knuckles going white.

"Ahhh~" Yoongi's moans were getting louder and louder.

Jimin was absorbing all this moans getting drunk front them. Wanting to hear more He went quicker, Yoongi getting louder as Jimin was living the sight in front of him.

Jimin pumped his sick one last time before Yoongi screamed and white substance spilt all over his underwear and Jimin's hand.

"Ahhh~ Jimin!"

Jimin took out his hand licking it clean with a smirk on his face, looking down at the state of Yoongi. Hair messy, red cheeks, swollen lips, still out of breath and his hands still balled up hold the bedsheets.

"I can't wait to see the way you look when we do go all the way, you're already a mess with just my hands." Yoongi was still trying to get his head around what just happened and how good it felt.

"And also.... the sound of you moaning has got to be my new favourite sound." Hominem said with a smirk.

Yoongi covered his face with his hands embarrassed a little. Jimin giggled until he heard Jungkook.

"Can you guys stop! Yous are being clatty!" Jimin and Yoongi looked at each other and laughed.

"What does that even mean?" Yoongi asked.

"I don't know but I'm gonna go find out." Jimin got up, unlocked the door and walked away to the living room were the guys are. Meanwhile Yoongi put his covers over himself and went to sleep with a small smile on him.

Jimin was standing near the couch as he asked while looking at Jungkook.

"What on earth does that even mean?" Jungkook looked up at Jimin from his phone.

"What was what?" He asked innocently.

"That mad word clanney? clantey?"

"Ah you mean clatty?"

"Yeah that."

"It means like dirty, disgusting." Jimin looked at him weird.

"It's Scottish, he met a friend from Scotland a few weeks ago, they text non stop everyday and today she phoned him for the first time. Then we heard Yoongi moaning and we knew you were in the room with him. So Jungkook asked how to say disgusting or dirty where she's from and she said clatty." Jin said, Jimin nodded now understanding.

"What part of Scotland is she from?" Jimin asked.

"Glasgow." He said looking back up and carried on.

"Her accent is amazing and also did you know people in Glasgow basically make up they're own language!" Everyone looked at him confused.

"Give is an example." Taehyung said.

"Well they say normal words or should I say 'proper words' like 'yes' 'no' and 'why' but they would say mostly 'aye' means 'yes, 'naw' means 'no' and 'how' means 'why' but they use the word 'how' the proper way as well." Jungkook said looking happy with himself.

"I'm still a little confused." Hoseok said as everyone else nodded they're heads. Jungkook just went back to texting his friend with a smile.

"Anyway...." Jin started as he got up and straightened his top, clearing his throat then carried on.

"You Jimin...." Jin pointed at him.

"Are grounded." Jimin looked at him with his mouth slightly opened.

"W-What?! Why?!" Jimin asked shocked.

"Don't think I didn't hear what happened or forgotten what happened. Grounded!" Jin said. He walked away to the kitchen, Jimin following behind him.

"But, but."

"No you're grounded. G.R.O.U.N.D.E.D."

"But that's not fair-" Everyone started to snigger and laugh at the two arguing.

Not prove read.
There's so many spelling mistakes 😭😢.
I don't know what this chapter was🤦🏻‍♀️.
I wanted to write at least a little bit of smut and I've never done it before so I'm sorry for He bad smut🤦🏻‍♀️.

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