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Jimin then....

Walked over to where Yoongi is sleeping, examining him closely. He then thought of something as he climbed on top of the sleeping boy, nibbling at his earlobe. Soft moans escaping his lips as Jimin then bitten a little harder. Yoongi moaned louder, his eyes shot open when he realised. Looking at the boy on top of him confused and embarrassed of the situation he in in right now.

"J-Jimin.... what on earth are you doing?" Yoongi asked him softly, stuttering a little.

"Just having some fun. Babe." Yoongi got more turned on, with the sexy whisper that came out the youngest mouth.

"What? You can't be." Jimin tilted his head and asked.

"Oh? And why not?"

"Because I top, not you."

"You'll be surprised at how good I am being a top."

"Your only kidding yourself on Jimin. You're like a ball of candy floss." Jimin smirked at Yoongi's responds. He then cheekily replied.

"Let's see how much of a candy floss I am. When your underneath me, screaming my name."

Jimin started to slowly slide off his top, about to reveal his abs-

"Hyung." Yoongi looked at Jimin confused.


~Yoongi's Point Of View~

My eyes snapped opened as I quickly sat up in my bed, breathing heavily. Looking about I turned to my left and seen Jimin standing next to my bed.

"Hyung, are you okay?" A dream it was a fucking dream! I then realised I had a little problem, so I covered it up with my cover. Hoping Jimin didn't see it.

"Why are you asking?"

"Earlier at dinner, you didn't look okay so I came to check up on you." Jimin asked me softly.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just had a few ideas for a song and just sat there thinking about it. But then I got too tired to think or eat so I came to bed." Jimin nodded.

"I understand. Well I'm going to watch tv with the guys, you can join if you want." Jimin smiled at me and I gave him one back, walked out and shut the door behind him.

I sprung up pacing back and forth.

I nearly had a sex dream of me and Jimin?! Jimin was a TOP?! There is no way that I'm gonna bottom!


I stopped pacing and stood there for a few minutes before-

"FUCK!" Believe it or not, but I did not mean to scream that out loud. Next thing I knew my bedroom door slammed opened and there stood a worried Jimin.

"You said you were okay! Why did you scream?!"

"I stubbed my toe and it hurts like a bitch."

"Oh my! You want me to get you an ice pack?" I giggled at him and replied nah it's fine I feel better already.

"Okay. I'll be in the living room if you need me." I nodded my head as we both smiled at each other. Jimin walked out shutting the door, carefully this time.

"Yeah cause that little ball of candy floss is definitely not a top." I laughed to myself before I walked out my bedroom and into the living room.

The second I walked in, all eyes were on me. Jimin quickly moved up on the couch, smiling at me and patting the space besides him. So I walked over and put my butt next to Jimin, finally forget all about the dream. For now.

"You okay?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, just subbed my toe." He nodded his head and we went back to watching the movie.

An hour into the film and Jimin fell asleep with his head on my shoulder. I don't blame him the film is bad, it's meant to be a five star rated action film but it's shit!

I glanced down at Jimin thinking about my dream. I honestly have no idea where that dream came from, I mean look at him! He's so cute and small! He could never be a top.

Actually now that I'm thinking of it I wouldn't mind being topped if it was Jimin. I mean yeah his ass is to die for and calls out to everyone. Every time he walks and you look at his ass you can literally hear it saying.

'I'm a bottom, come and get me.' Over and I we again.

But I also kinda wanna see what it's like to be the bottom, I've always thought myself as a top-

"Yoongi?" I looked to my left to see Namjoon looking at me.

"You've been starring at him for a while. No one has noticed, I thought I would snap you out of it before the others sees you." I looked at him for a few minutes before thinking.

'Fuck it. He's clearly trustworthy, I haven't told him and yet he was willing to help me out before other seen me. And plus he's our leader, it clearly means that he's trustworthy otherwise he wouldn't be our Leader.'

"I have to talk to you." I whispered back to him. He nodded and stood up going to my room, I moved Jimin's head carefully and placed it on the armrest.

Walking into my bedroom, I shit the door and sat on my bed next to Namjoon.

10 minutes has past and I haven't said a thing. Namjoon staying quiet as he must know how how this is for me.

"I-I think that I m-might be g-gay."

Not prove read.
Got bored so I quickly typed up another chapter. Sorry if it's bad.

And also I just wanted to put this gorgeous photo of Yoongi, I'm-whitewashed. Enjoy!


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I'm Not Gay//Yoonmin (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now