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~Jimin's Point Of View~

Next Day

It was after lunch and I was sitting on my bed, my pillow resting on the head board so my back doesn't hurt.

I was thinking about this morning since I got up Yoongi keept staring at me. It's starting to kinda creep me out, at breakfast and lunch just there staring at me. I couldn't even sit on the couch to watch tv without him staring at me.

I shook my head at my thoughts, picked up my phone and went on one of my favourite apps.


I finished one of the Yoonmin fanfictions i was reading and just when I was about to press the 'you've finished the story. Add it to your archive' button I noticed the 'other stories you might like' and one caught my eye. It was a Vkook fanfiction, so I'm guessing it's with Taehyung and Jungkook? I clicked on it to see who wrote it and what the name of the story is. " "Just friends" by vkookminseok" I mumbled to myself.

I decided just to read it to see what it's like since I've never read one with those two in it.

I was only gonna read just one chapter but for some reason I couldn't stop. One went into two then two into three and before I know it, I ran out of chapters and all I could see was 'To Be Continued....' I stared at it for a few minutes. Then I dramatically flung myself back onto the bed saying.

"I'm ready lord take me! But if not then please, please I need this to be updated!"

Jin opened the door and and walked in.

"Are yo-" he seen me trashing about on my bed kicking and everything. He then just slowly walked back out closing the door.

After a few minutes of having a mini tantrum I got an idea. I got up, picked my phone up that managed to fall into the floor and ran out my room to the living room.

Everyone was there, the second I walked in I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked over to see Yoongi once again staring at me, I looked away to ignore him and seen Tae and Kook standing behind the couch talking.

I quickly went over to them all excited to show them.

"Hey Chim, what's up? You look excited." Tae said.

"I am you have to read this fanfiction it basically describes you guys lives but in school!"

"Oh, really now?" Jungkook said trying not to laugh at me.

"Yes! You both like each other but are too scared to do anything about it!" Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other then to me.

"Look this is the story! You have to read it! Personally my favourite part is when Yoon-" I stopped myself before I could continue. It's not that I don't want anyone to know I like Yoongi, everyone knows it's not hard to see that. But they will pick on me and worse Yoongi will, that bitch ain't getting anything over me I still wanna tease him about that kiss. Maybe I should do it tomorrow instead, give me time to think of what I will do-

"Earth to Jimin!" I got snapped out of my thoughts by Taehyung.

"Ah sorry, I got a little bit carried away with my thoughts." The both nodded they're heads and Jungkook started talking.

"Look Jimin maybe in the past but not anymore." I dramatically gasped and covered my mouth before saying.

"What do you mean?! 'MaYbE iN tHe PaSt BuT nOt AnYmOrE' ?!" They sighed and he carried on.

"Me and Tae used to like each other and we were too scared to. But then one night we started talking and we accidentally told each other our feelings. We stared going out for about nearly a year and then broke up." Me and the rest of the guys looked at them shocked.

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