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~Jimin's Point Of View~

When Yoongi fell a sleep I couldn't help but examine him. He looks so peaceful and fragile, the light blush on his pale cheeks, his slightly open lips which are slightly dry but still looks soft and smooth,the way he's breathing so calmly, his body skinny but beautiful, his skinny arms and legs, his big skinny hands that's showing veins. God his hands are so unholy. Jesus send me some holy water my way before I start thinking unholy things!

I then started to carefully so he doesn't wake up. Move my fingers along his hands his long skinny fingers to all the veins on his hands. Biting my lip to try and stop the unholy thoughts that's about to come into my mind. I then softly and carefully traced the outline of his features. His jaw line to his eyes, to his noise and so on. I then reached his lips and bite my bottom lip again as I just badly want to kiss him.

Without me knowing I was about to reach down to kiss him, nothing much just a little peck on the lips. But suddenly I heard Jin hyung shouting. 'JIMIN!' Which made me stop what I was doing. I felt the body that was on me move a little moaning a little "hyung.... shut up, people are trying to sleep." And he was sleeping again.

Jin was standing there leaning on one side with his hand on his hip, pointing to the kitchen. I got the hint and carefully removed Yoongi and went straight to the kitchen.

I sat down and Jin hyung did the same but sat in front of me. We didn't say anything for 5 minutes and I was getting anxious so I asked a bit nervously.

"Ummm.... hyung? What's wrong?" He just sighed lightly and said.

"Jiminie you know how much you like him and you're doing that, you're just torturing yourself."

"What are you talking about hyung? It's only a little crush."

"Okay say that if you want. But I think there's something more than just a crush. I just don't want you to get hurt anymore than you already are."

"I won't hyung if I feel like my feelings are getting stronger for him I will stop." Jin hyung just looked at me and sighed.

"Fine since you're being stubborn. But do you promise me to stop it if it gets stronger?"

"Yes eomma of course I will!" I said with a big smile.

"That's my boy." He said while getting up smiling and rubbing my head. Before he was about to leave I grabbed his attention.

"Wait eomma I need help." He came over and sat back down quickly looking at me to carry on.

"I think it might be more than a crush."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because when he told me he was straight I cried."

"Jiminie honey that's normal for someone you like."

"Not for me if I have a crush I never cry so it must be more than that." He put his hand on his chin to think then said.

"Jimin honey be more specific. Just because you cried doesn't mean it's more than a crush. Like maybe you were just a little too emotional yesterday."

"True.... well.... every time I see him my heart speeds up like it's about to explode or escape out of my chest. Heck even when he slightly touches me my heart does it. But also I get goosebumps and shivers and I can't stop thinking about him. I daydream about him and he's always in my dreams when I sleep. And I'm always happy when I'm with him, he makes me smile and laugh. I badly miss him when he's not with me like there's a part of me that's missing. I might sound cheesy but that's exactly what happens." When I was finished I look at Jin and he was smiling fondly at me. With both his arms on the table one lying down and the other has his head resting on his hand.

"Jiminie.... That's definitely not a crush you're experiencing right now."

"Then what is it?" He giggled at me softly. And sat up straight saying.

"You're in love.... With Yoongi." I then looked at him shocked as he giggled and got up to walk out and I snapped out of it and followed him.

When we walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. We heard Jungkook and Taehyung whispering and laughing quietly about something while hovering over Yoongi. And then suddenly Yoongi woke up shouting at them and chasing them about the dorm. Shouting profanities at them.

As I was walking over to the couch to play video games. Yoongi noticed me and stopped what he was doing to come over to me.

"Hey Chim-Chim."

"Hi hyung."

"I don't know what those idiots did to me. Did you see what they done?"

"No I could only see they're backs as they were-" I stopped when I looked at him, he has a lot of things drawn on his face like: a monobrow, a unicorn, a rainbow and many more.... However the one that sticks out to me was the words written on this forehead 'I'm as straight as earth' with a little drawing of earth next to it. I couldn't hold it any longer and I burst out laughing.

"What?.... What? is it really that bad?"

"H-hyung y-y-y-you have t-to go see i-i-it for yoursel-lf." I tried to say in between laughter. Yoongi went running into the bathroom to check the mirror and shouted.

"YAH!! JEON JUNGKOOK AND KIM TAEHYUNG!! I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU BOTH!!!" I turned around to see Jungkook and Taehyung screaming while running out the door.

~Yoongi's Point Of View~

I was so angry why the hell would they draw all over my face?! After when I cleaned it all off I went back into the living room. And Jimin is setting up a game.

"Hey Hyung? Do you want to play a game with me?"

"Yeah sure whatever." I mumbled still annoyed I walked over and sat next to Jimin on the floor. And said.

"'Straight as earth my ass.' I'm more like 'straight as a ruler.' Stupid kids."

"You get bendy rulers." I blinked twice at him as he had a smirk on his face. Clearly trying not to laugh at me being annoyed.

"The hard plastic ones."

"Those can bend too hyung. Not much but they can still bend. Or snap."

"Yeah well at least when they snap they're still straight."

"Have you ever snapped a ruler? Because if you snap it and look at it carefully. It's still slightly bent."

"Yeah alright smart ass. Anyway Taehyung is teaching that little makne far too much bad things. He's a bad influence!"

"*giggle* yeah, anyways let's play this game."


Half an hour into the game and I'm still losing. Stupid ass game I can never win! I'm just gonna end up flinging it out the window! I mean-

Something at the corner of my eye caught my intention....

I'm Not Gay//Yoonmin (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now