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"Jimin there's something I have to tell you...."

"Yes hyung?" Jimin said cutely.


"What about him?" Jimin asked tilting his head slightly to the side. Like a puppy.

"He took your teddy, gave it to Namjoon cause he knew he was gonna rip it. He wanted to prove to Jin that your scary when your mad. They were in the kitchen but I could still hear them, hey weren't that quiet." Yoongi said waiting for Jimin's reaction.

Jimin just sat there quite. Yoongi getting nervous as he isn't able to read Jimin at this moment.

"Jimin? Are you okay?"

"Yes hyung, why wouldn't I be?" He said really innocently. Yoongi thought to himself 'yep he's definitely gonna do something, he can't be that calm after what I just told him.'

Next thing he knew Jimin got up quickly and over to the door and slammed it open making his way to the living room shouting. "JUNG FUCKING HOSEOK IM GONNA KILL YOU!!" Yoongi quickly ran out after Jimin as he was about to grab Hoseok, Yoongi managed to grab Jimin.

It was a struggle but Yoongi got him back into his room, flung Jimin onto his bed, locked the door and stood in front of it folding his arms. Jimin quickly stood back up and said in an angry voice.

"Let me out Yoongi." Yoongi shook his head as a 'no' and started to walk over to Jimin.

"Jimin. I'm not letting you out until-"

he got caught off by Jimin grabbing him and pushing him in the bed, hovering over the top of him. Jimin slowly leaned down saying in a serious low voice.

"I'm not messing about, don't fuck with my when I'm angry. Or else." Yoongi gulped, he was kinda scared but turned on at the same time. Scared cause Jimin is scary when he's angry, but turned on from the way his voice sounds and also the fact that they're in a position that makes Yoongi think dirty things.

Yoongi took one last gulp and finally said.

"J-jimin, please g-get off m-me ple-ease." well more like stuttering. Jimin smirked at Yoongi.

"Why hyung? Is it because someone is a little excited?" Yoongi's breath got caught in his throat with the next words that came out of Jimin's mouth.

"Why don't we have a little fun?"

Not prove read.
Short again and also another cliffhanger cause meh, why not 😂😂

Oh and another thing. Thank you all so much for 1K reads!! It means so much😭🙀 I love you all!! 💜💜

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