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~No ones Point Of View~

"Yah where is my note book?!" Jimin shouted storming out. Everyone look over at the angry Jimin as they all got up and ran out the dorm.

Yoongi was the only one who stayed.

"I've been looking for it for a while now! I want to write things in it!" Jimin shouted.

"I don't know where your diary is." Yoongi said back to him.

"I didn't say that." Jimin said in a normal tone.

"Didn't say what?" Yoongi asked a little confused.

"I didn't say diary."

"Yeah you did you said 'yah where is my-' " Yoongi looked down and quickly whispered 'Shit'. And then looked back up at Jimin.

But instead of looking really mad he had a smirk on his face. Jimin went over to Yoongi and grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him to his bedroom and flung him on the bed.

Yoongi was lying down, looking over at Jimin and asked.

"Why are we in your room for?" Jimin then climbed on the bed and hovered over him.

"So, I guess you know everything then?" Yoongi could only nod 'yes' for an answer.

"Tell me then, what does it have inside?" Yoongi gulped slightly then said.

"It says that you like me and it has a few poems about me."

"Anything else?"

"It also has a few songs about me and drawing."

"Your missing out one of the most important one." Jimin said with a slight smirk.

"I don't want to say it."

"C'mon, you kinda have to."

"It says that I-I'm a b-bottom. But I'm not!"

"Everyone knows. You should just be truthful with yourself." Jimin said in a dominant voice, Yoongi signed as he knew he was a bottom as he feels small when Jimin turn into a top, he just didn't want to admit it. He finally spoke back up again.

"I'm a bottom." Jimin's smirk got bigger.

"Well done. Now if you're good enough I can give you an award, babyboy." Yoongi blushed at the name, for some reason he likes it but he doesn't know why.

Jimin then latched his lips onto Yoongi's as he kissed back straight away. It wasn't a lust filled kiss, or was it a rough kiss, it was just a soft passionate kiss that's filled with love.

A few minutes later and Jimin pulled away but is still close enough so when he talks Yoongi can feel his lips. Jimin looks at him as he said.

"Yoongi, can I ask you something?"

"Yes." Yoongi whispered.

"Will-" Jimin got interrupted by all 5 guys bursting into his room shouting.

"Yah! Don't kill him! You didn't kill him did yo-" they stopped when they seen the position they are in, Jimin also looking at them angry.

"SHIT!" Hoseok screamed and ran out, the rest of them following after.

Jimin just groaned then said.

"Maybe another time I'll ask you." He got up then walked away to the kitchen for a cup of water. Leaving a confused Yoongi behind.

Sighing he then got up and walked into his room. Thinking he should find the diary and give it back to Jimin.

Not prove read.
This was just a quick written chapter because I wanted to update again so it's short but this chapter will carry on in the next one, this is not a cliffhanger hanger so everything is okay vkookminseoky 😂😂

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