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~Jungkook Point Of View~

After when Jimin fell asleep I gently lay him down onto my pillow and put my covers over him.

I quietly walked out of the room and carefully shut the door behind me then I stormed my way into he living room.

Once I got there I seen Yoongi sitting on the couch as I said.

"YAH! MIN YOONGI!" Well more like shouting. Everyone looked at me confused and shocked of the reason why I shouted at Yoongi.

"Stop shouting at me brat." He said to me while on his phone.

"No, now look at me and look at me right now!" He looked up at me and raised one of his eyebrows waiting for me to carry on.

"How dare you upset Jimin. What did he ever do to you?"

"The hell you mean 'upset Jimin'? I don't do anything." I pooped my hip out and my hand on it like Jin does when he acts like a sassy mother.

"Who's J huh? Who's the lucky J that you like huh?" He sat up and said.

"Alright brat first of all it's. Hyung, H. Y. U. N. G. HYUNG! So be respectful. And secondly it was Joon who was singing it not me so complain to him not me. And thirdly it's none of your business if I like someone or not, now I suggest hat you walk away from me before I do something to you for pointing fingers without knowing anything." I scoffed at him.

"Yah sure. As if I'm scared of you." He stood up off the couch and was about to walk closer to me before Jin stood in front of us.

"Stop it guys. Jungkook please just go back to your room I want to talk to you, but I'm gonna talk with Yoongi first." I frowned a little.

"Fine." I stomped away back into my room where Jimin was still sleeping.

~Yoongi Point Of View~

Jin spun around, looked at me, left hip out and both hands on his hips.

"Explain Yoongi."

"Okay I'll explain. Your stupid ass boyfriend over there is about to die." I said as I pointed behind me at Namjoon and glared at Jin. I turned around, picked up my pillow and smacked him hard on his face then went to go for him. But unfortunately Jin stopped me so instead I went with shouting at him.

"Because Of you Jimin thinks I hate him!"

"Why would he? what happened Yoongi?" I stopped, turned around and glared at Jin.

"It's none of your business hyung." I went back to the couch and lied back down, scrolling through twitter on my phone.

"Fine then since you won't tell me. Namjoon what happened?"

"I umm.... umm.... I- uhh- you see-" Namjoon was stuttering as he looks like a deer caught in the headlight.

"Namjoon. If you don't tell me what happens then I will not make you dinner." His eyes widened more, if that was even possible.

"Well you see.... Yoongi likes Jimin and I was singing that kissing in a tree song to annoy him but Jimin heard me singing it and instead of saying 'Yoongi and Jimin' I said 'Yoongi and J' and he thought Yoongi likes Jungkook." Namjoon said it really fast without a breath and it took everyone to finally realise what he said. And when I finally clicked to what he said. Let's just say I'm beyond angry.

However before I could get up to beat his ass Jin and Hoseok pinned me down on the couch not allowing me to move.

"YAH! Let me the fuck go!" I shouted while trashing about trying to get out their death grip they had on me.

When I ran out of energy. Jin and Hoseok threw me on the the couch into a sitting position and straight after Jin nearly shouted.

"You like Jimin?!"

"Fuck off! All of yous, seriously!" I shouted at them as I stormed off into my bedroom and slammed the door shut.

~Third Person Point of view.~

The second Yoongi sat down on the edge of his bed, the door opened and in came Namjoon. He cleared his throat a little to catch Yoongi's attention and when he got it he was about to say something.

"Yoongi hyung I-"

"I said to all of yous to fuck off. That's including you too Namjoon." Yoongi said through his teeth.

"But I just wanted to sa-"

"I SAID TO FUCK OFF NAMJOON!!" Yoongi screamed as in the background they could hear a sound of feet pattering quickly like someone was running into the livingroom, following by a more calmer sound of feet pattering behind the other.

But Yoongi was too pissed at the moment to care about who it might of been.

"You might be older than me, but don't think I'm gonna let you speak to any of us like that!" Namjoon started shouting. But that didn't make Yoongi waver as he carried on screaming at him.

"I DON'T GIVE A SHIT AND I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!! YOU HAD NO FUCKING RIGHT!! WHAT IF I TOLD THE GUYS ABOUT WHO YOU FUCKING LIKE-" now it was Namjoons turn to get pissed as well as he started screaming back.




"REASONS THAT I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO KNOW!! NONE OF YOUS WILL UNDERSTAND AND NEVER WILL!! NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM!!" Yoongi pushed Namjoon out his room and slammed is door so hard a couple of plaster fell off the wall.

Namjoon huffed out some air and walked into the livingroom with a slight frown and stopped when he seen Jimin and Jungkook.

Jimin was in Jin's arm as he was a crying mess, shaking a little while Jin was hugging him tightly and softly threading his fingers through his hair to calm him.

The second Namjoon seen it, his face softened as he walked over to the couch and went down to Jimin's level.

"Jimin what's wrong?" he spoke in a gentle voice.

"I-I woke up f-from Y-Y-Yoongi hyung and yo-you screami-ing. And I g-got sca-scared."

"It's okay Jimin. The argument stopped." Jimin sniffed as he asked a question that he wanted to ask since he woke up.

"Did y-you and Yoongi h-hyung argu-e because o-of m-me?"

"No Jimin. It wasn't because of you, don't worry about it. Okay?" Jimin nodded his head as a 'yes'.

"Come on Jimin. let's go to the kitchen and we can bake cookies and cupcakes to cheer you up." Jimin and Jin got up to go to the kitchen and Jin looked over to Jungkook. He was looking up at Jin with puppy eyes.

"Yes Kookie you can bake cookies and cupcakes with us too."

Jungkook jumped up with excitement as he and Jimin ran into the kitchen with Jin walking behind them.

The second they were out of sight Namjoon collapsed on the couch and sighed while pinching the bridge of his nose as he mumbled.

"I swear he's gonna be the death of me."

"Just like he screamed.... maybe he does have a reason." Hoseok said.

"Hmm, maybe. But that doesn't give him the right to speak to us all like that."

Hoseok just nodded his head as the room fell silent, and the only thing that could be heard is the sound of the three boys in the kitchen giggling and talking. And probably making a mess.

Not prove read.

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