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~Jimin's Point Of View~

It's been a few weeks and Yoongi is acting a little weird around me. I've been trying to forget about it, but the longer he's like this, the more I'm getting annoyed. And there's just so much I can take before I get angry with him.

It's lunch and we're all sitting at the table eating whatever Jin made us. I looked up after when I felt a pair of eyes on me.

Looking up I seen Yoongi quickly looking away. I grumpily and quickly finished my dinner, stood up and washed my dishes. I then went back to the table and said.

"I'm going for a walk for fresh air."

"Okay Jimin stay safe, call any of us if anything happens!" Jin said. I nodded 'yes' then walked out of the kitchen, got my shoes and jacket on, took my keys and walked out the door.


I've been walking about the park for an hour now and just decided when I seen a bench to go and sit on it.

Once I sat down I looked to my left and seen kids at laying happily in the park, no care given. I then looked in front of me where a lake is and looked at the beautiful swans and the people feeding them. Smiling at how happy everyone looks, I close my eyes and took a deep breath in, of the fresh air. Calming me down a little.

20 more minutes and I finally got up and decided to go back.


When I got back to the dorm I took my jacket and shoes off, then started making my way to my room so I can put my phone in charge. But as I was about open my door I seen Yoongi, I turned just to see him running back to the living room.

That's when I snapped.

I stormed my way over to the living room were Yoongi is sitting with the rest of the guys. I stood in front of him with my arms cross as I said nice and calmly.

"Yoongi, please look at me." Nothing, of course not.

"YAH! MIN YOONGI! LOOK AT ME RIGHT NOW!" I shouted quickly at him. Everyone jumped and looked at me as they got scared, including Yoongi. He looks at me a little scared and shocked.

"You better tell me RIGH NOW! Why your not talking to me, running always from me and not even looking at me! What did I do so wrong, that you hate me now?!"

"I-I-I-I-Umm.... I-" I interrupted him.

"You know what just leave it, I might not know why you hate me. But if your gonna kept giving me silent treatment and avoid me, then we both can. Classify us as ex-friends, ex-family, enemy, a speck of dust.... because you Min Yoongi are cut from my life.... unless we have to work together for an album."

I walked away with my head up and slammed my bedroom door. Walking over to my desktop I put my phone into my charger and jumped on my bed, singing loudly. I really want to cry but I'm also really angry.

Angry because of the way Yoongi is treating me. Angry because I just basically cut him out of my life.

I think I've falling for him, and thinking of that is getting me more upset.

Not prove read.
This is really short because I had writers block but I wanted to post something.

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