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I just remembered that it said they were in Jimin's room but I meant Yoongi's room🤦🏻‍♀️ so when I finish the book I will fix it.

"Why don't we have a little fun?"

Jimin has one hand on the bed next to Yoongi's head and the other hand started to slide up Yoongi's stomach, his top slowly going up with it. He got near to his chest, still smirking as he stared to lean over slowly towards his-

"Guys." Jin interrupted them.

Jimin turned around and death glares at him. And shouted.

"The fuck do you want?! Can't you see I'm busy here?! you fucking cockblocker!" Jin stood there with wise eyes getting scared.

"Diner is ready please eat it I don't want yous to miss out on a meal." Jin said and quickly walked out.

"Wasn't the door locked?" Yoongi mumbled.

"He must have a spare key the cunt." Jimin said annoyed and got up as to go to the kitchen, Yoongi following behind.

~Jin's Point Of View~

(After he walked out the room)

"Fuck that was scary."

"What was scary?" Jungkook asked.

"Jimin." Jin said, as he sat down at the table.

"Why? What happened hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"Well. I went in to tell them to come eat dinner, but the damn door was locked so I took the spare key and opened it from the outside..."

"Then what happened?" Taehyung asked, everyone was really curious about what happened. So Jin carried on.

"I opened the door and Jimin was hovering over Yoongi, his hand up his top and he was about to kiss him! But when he heard me, he shouted at me and I got scared, told him what I was here to tell him and walked out quickly."

"Yeahhhh. You fucked up." Taehyung said.

"Has Yoonmin sailed then?" Jungkook said out of the blue. Jin juts sighed and said.

"Let's just eat." Just ask they were about to eat Yoongi and Jimin walked in, Yoongi sat down but Jimin stood next to Jin. He put his hand out and said.

"Key now." Jin just nodded and handed Jimin the spare key.

"Don't do it again." Jimin said in a low voice, again Jin just nodded his head as a 'yes'.

Jimin sat down next to Yoongi, everyone eating peacefully.

Well that was until Yoongi started choking on his food, Jimin patting his back.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Jimin asked. Yoongi just glared at him and said.

"Why do you always act innocent when your not?" Jimin tilted his head to the side slightly like a puppy.

"I don't know what you mean hyung."

Yoongi just went back to eating and so did everyone else.

Not even a few minutes later and Jimin was trying not to smirk as he was back at it again. He placed his hand on Yoongi's knee under the table, moving his thumb slowly in a circle pattern. Yoongi tensed knowing what's gonna happen again, so he pretended he was chewing on his food not wanting to choke again. Slowly Jimin was making his way up Yoongi's leg, squeezing his thigh slightly and then started to slowly palm him.

Yoongi tried with all this will power to not moan and to also move Jimin's hand away, but the pleasure got the best of him he couldn't find it in himself to remove his hand away. His breathing was getting heavier but luckily no one could hear him. Suddenly Jimin was going faster and was palming him a little more harder now. Yoongi didn't mean it, it just happened, a slip of the tongue. But that was enough for the rest of the guys to look at his with wide eyes, Jimin moving his hand away also looking at him with wide eyes pretending he never done anything.

"Why do you have flushed cheeks, quick heavy breaths and that's not forgetting the moan that just came out your mouth?!" Jin said his motherly side coming in.

"I-I-I-" Yoongi could only stutter not knowing how to speak properly.

"Don't tell me it was cause you wear touching yourself?! You should know better not to! Especially in front of us and poor little kookie!" Jin said getting annoyed.

"N-no it wasn't t-that, i-it was J-Jimin!" Yoongi said with a small pout. Everyone then turned to look at Jimin.

"Wasn't me I was just trying to enjoy my food, if I was to do that to him I would've stopped eating to concentrate on him. But I didn't and as you can see I'm nearly done my food." Jimin said then looked at Yoongi who looks like he just been told something horrible that happened- well in a way, for him it is.

"We'll talk about this later in your room Yoongi." Yoongi just nodded his head and continued eating. Surprisingly he was the first to finish as he washed his plate then was about to leave until he noticed his spare room key is next to Jimin on the table.

Yoongi quickly ran over snatched it and sprinted away to his room. If happened so fast that none of the members could catch on with what just happened.

"That was kinda cute." Jimin was the first to speak up.

All the members looked at him. "What?" He said as he shrugged and went back to eating, the members doing the same.

Not prove read.
Rubbish chapter I just wrote it very quick there cause I realised that I never started it or posted a chapter. Also I hope yous read the thing at the start, I still can't believe how stupid I am and forgetful.😂🤦🏻‍♀️

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