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Beeeeeep, beeeeeeep, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

The heart meter went off, and soon enough, there was a flat line which signalled the death of someone.

Unfortunately, that person was Sarah's mom.

"Mom? Mom!" She didn't want to believe her eyes.

"Somebody help her!" Sarah screamed to the nurses that were already by her side.

The doctor soon entered the room, he quickly examined her mom but the solemn look on his face said it all.

He turned to her and shook his head gravely.

'It can't be.' She thought.

"No..." She ran towards her mom's unmoving figure on the bed

The nurses tried to stop her but she evaded them effortlessly.

"Mom. Mom, please wake up." She shook her unmoving body violently.

"Don't you dare. Don't you dare leave." The tears flowed freely down her cheeks unhindered.

Her older sister could only look on in the corner in pain as tears too flowed down her cheeks.

The pain she felt, there was no words to describe it.

"Mom! Mommy!" She sobbed uncontrollably.

The nurses tried to escort her out but she wouldn't budge so they had to drag her out. Her heart broke into a million pieces as she watched them cover up her body.

With all her might, with every fibre of her being, she screamed.


Sarah woke up with a start. She was drenched in sweat, her breathing ragged as she sat up. She hadn't dreamt about her mother in over two years.

Her mom's death had really done a number on her, seeing how she was the only parent she had and now she too was gone. Her dad died a few years before her mom's untimely demise.

He'd died in a plane crash, including all the other passengers.
It wasn't easy without her parents but God got her through it. Her elder sis was a hairstylist and she was very good at it.

Sarah sighed.

Her sister's always very busy and hardly had spare time to come visit.

Having just graduated college, she had set out in search of a job, applying at different countless companies but unfortunately, they'd all turned her down and she couldn't help but wonder why.

She got off her bed dragging her feet lazily, she was quite still groggy. She had a job interview by 8am and the time was 6:21, she really had to hurry, even though she still had time.

She always liked being punctual, but if she was really being honest with herself, she wasn't looking forward to the interview, after being turned down countless times, she wasn't too enthusiastic.

But she knew everything happens for a reason and she's trusting God for a breakthrough soon because she didn't think she could handle any more disappointment.

She got to the bathroom, halfway brushing her teeth she stopped dead in her track. She only just realised, she hadn't had her quiet time.

She ran straight back to her bedroom sitting on her bed, covering her head with a scarf, she took her bible which was placed right beside her bed on the bedside table and placed it on her laps.

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