Inner workings

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~No one knows the mind of man, save the creator.~

It was Monday morning. Sarah was all dressed up ready for work, except for her hair.

She was trying to style it to look a little bit presentable but so far, she was failing miserably.

She sighed exasperatedly.

"Let me help you with that," Emily said with a chuckle.

"Here, sit down." So she sat on the couch.

"Wow, I've forgotten how soft your hair is. Remember when I used to make them little cornrows for you?" Sarah chuckled.

"How can I forget? You truly have skilled hands sis."

"Why thank you. You know, for that compliment, I'm gonna make your hair extra beautiful."

"I trust you." Sarah grinned.
Less than ten minutes later she was through.

"Here, take a look." Emily handed her a hand mirror.

Sarah was amazed at the person staring back at her. She looked at Emily, mouth wide and then back at the mirror.

Emily smiled.

"You like it?"

'Wasn't her gaping mouth enough?' Sarah thought.

"I love it! Oh, thank you, Emily, you're the best."

She'd made small weaves from her left and right temple and had connected them both in the middle with the rest of her curls packed together in a ponytail. She did it in a bun to make it look more formal.

She then used a small brush to make little curls at the front.

"I know," Emily said smugly.

Just then, Sarah's phone rang. She picked it up.

'Who could it be? Probably, Judy,' she thought.

But it wasn't Judy.

Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw the caller ID.

It read 'Mr Snow'.

Just like that, her mind went back to the conversation with Emily about her dreams, everything.

'You were given the job for a reason.' She blinked.

'God placed you there for a reason, right by his side.'

Her hand shook as she was still holding the phone.

It was still ringing.

"Are you going to answer that?" She was startled when Emily spoke beside her.

"Y-yeah, of-f course." She pressed the answer button hesitantly.

"Hello, sir."

"Good morning, Miss Anderson."

He's never called before, just texted- when he needed her assistance.


There was a pause.

"I've sent you several text messages this morning, you didn't reply." His voice was its usual calm tone.

She hadn't seen any messages or rather she hadn't heard any message come in.

She willed her mouth to say something but it seemed it was incapable of that function at the moment.

"Is there a reason for this?" He continued.

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