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~There is something people always seem to forget; God is always watching.~

Two little kids, age twelve and ten, walked side by side down an almost deserted dirt road in the cold night.

The rags they were wearing clung unto them like a second skin, they were just skin and bones. As they walked down the deserted road, their eyes caught a small reflection of the moonlight and it turned out it was from the windows of an old small house, it seemed abandoned.

"Come on, let's go Julie." The older beckoned to the younger sister.

"No, it's too scary. Please, can we find another place to stay?"

"There isn't any other place Julie, you don't have to be scared, I'm right here. I'll protect you, I promise."

"O-okay." She said unsure.

So, they moved towards the abandoned house, and as they moved towards it, it seemed more scary, menacing even.

Soon enough, they were inside. Seemed like the owner must have left in a hurry as some of the furniture were still intact. The place was very dusty and eery but they didn't mind as they laid on the floor side by side to sleep.

It was almost completely dark except for the little moonlight which got in through the cracks of the roof of the room they were in.

"I'm hungry," Julie whispered weakly.

"I know, me too." He whispered back. Just then his stomach rumbled loudly as if in agreement.

"Tomorrow we'll find something to eat."

"How? We have no money left. I really don't want to eat out of the garbage again." She spoke near tears.

"Don't worry Julie, we'll find something."

"Okay." She sniffed.

"Don't cry ok, please?"


"I miss mom and dad. Do you miss them too?"

"Everyday." He whispered.


Sarah ran as fast as she could to get to work on time. She woke up late and consequently, she missed her bus. The next bus arrived ten minutes later, she kept checking her wristwatch every second. She was going to be late.

This can't be happening.

She sped through the door barely avoiding tripping on her own two feet. She ran past Judy unable to stop and chat.

Her boss would have her head even if he did seem kind. She was seriously pushing her luck here.

Immediately she sat down, she checked her wristwatch- it was 8:00 on the dot. It was a miracle indeed. She woke up real late, she's usually a morning person, the night before she had had a lot of trouble falling asleep. She couldn't stop thinking about the look she saw on her boss' face the night before, it haunted her. As far as she could tell, she knew next to nothing about her new boss, well except that his name is Aaron and that he is immensely generous.

She said a quick prayer and proceeded to do her work. She began sorting the mails received-they were quite a few, ok, a lot.

It took a while, they consisted of letters, business strategies so on and so forth. In short, the sorting took a while.

She quickly went through her computer for more mails. After she was through sorting those as well she checked her boss' schedule for the day he's to have a meeting in the afternoon by 1:00-2:30, she knew she'd have to be there, to take notes at least.

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