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~The darkness is real, as real as you and me~

Sarah laid on her bed after a hectic day at work. A lot of things ran through her head, most of it being about her newest friend, Noah. She had to admit, she had been a bit hesitant at first but then she found out that he was a really nice guy.

She recalled their most recent adventure. She and Judy had gone out for movie night and coincidentally had bumped into him.

Apparently, he was also a fan of Marvel-that was at least one thing they all had in common.

Of course, she had told Judy all about him prior them meeting that day but that hadn't stopped her from being her usual self-loud and bubbly.

The night was great and from there they all soon became very close.

Sarah never really had many friends and she was grateful for the ones she now had.

Speedy climbed the bed and barked happily at her.

"Come here, boy." The little puppy rushed to her and licked her face, she giggled. With Speedy around, she didn't feel so lonely anymore.

She laid on her back and stared at the ceiling. She sighed, closed her eyes and then everything went dark.

Darkness, thick darkness surrounded her all around. She stretched out her hands in front of her, but she couldn't see them.

A scream rang through in the darkness and it shook her to her very core.

'Where was it coming from?' She thought.

She heard it again, this time it enveloped her. She mustered up the courage and began walking, she couldn't see where she was going but she couldn't just wait and stand there.

The more she walked, the more the darkness seemed to ebb away. She looked down at her hands, she could still barely make them out but it was an improvement from the total darkness.

She heard the scream again, it sounded closer, so she ran. The more she ran, the clearer her environment got. She looked around her and noticed she was surrounded by trees.

It looked like she was running through a forest, a thick forest.

All around her, trees contoured into sinister-looking images that troubled her mind, but that didn't stop her, she pressed on, she had to get to the source of those screams.

Pushing herself, seconds later she found herself in a clearing.

She gasped-it was a graveyard.

Sarah moved closer to the gate which was wide open. It looked so rusty, as if it had been there for ages.

She hesitated for a moment, but then she heard the scream again, much louder.

Now she knew where the screams were coming from, it was from the graveyard.

She walked in but nothing could have prepared her for what she saw. There was a massive hole at the very centre of the graveyard.

There was fire burning and what smelt like sulphur oozed from inside the pit.

She saw grotesque demon-like winged creatures trying to drag something or was it someone, into the dark abyss.

The said figure which was covered in what looked to be burnt flesh struggled at the mouth of the pit, trying to crawl out but the demons kept dragging it downwards into the pit.

One of the creatures clawed at the figure's back, taking chunks of flesh with it. She heard the figure scream out in excruciating pain.

The heat seemed to increase tenfold the closer she got to it. She had to help, she had to.

She lay flat on the ground and stretched her hand to it.

"Grab on!" She screamed out to it. The figure grabbed her hand, she gasped out in pain closing her eyes.

The touch literally burned into her skin. She bit her lip to stop herself from screaming out in pain.

The winged demons all shrieked in unison, which rang throughout the entire forest as a disembodied echo.

Never in her life, has she heard such a terrifying sound.

She pulled but it seemed the more she pulled the more the demons pulled as well, and soon it became a tug-of-war.

At that moment, the figure looked up and her heart literally stopped for a few seconds.

She knew those eyes, that particular shade.

They were filled with so much pain and without warning, tears filled her own.

"Help me." It whispered weakly before its hand slipped from hers and the pit closed completely in on it.

"Wait, no!"


"No!" Sarah woke with a scream. Her breathing was ragged and her top was soaked with perspiration. She stared at her right, the hand it had held. She could still feel the tingle of the burn. She saw speedy by the foot of her bed fast asleep.

It was a wonder how he wasn't woken up by her scream. She got off the bed and went to the bathroom. She stood in front of the mirror and stared at her reflection.

Why was she having these dreams? She was still recovering from her most recent one as her body was still trembling.

She opened the tap and splashed water on her face and gripped the basin tight.

She's been having the same dream for the past week, didn't know what they meant. She had prayed about them but they still persisted. She had asked for the interpretation but nothing still. She sighed tiredly.

"Holy Spirit, please tell me what these dreams mean, I'm so confused." She sniffed and took another look at her reflection in the mirror.

But in the place of her dark brown eyes, she saw green ones, the exact shade as the figure she had tried to help in her dream had had.

She closed her eyes, she'd only seen one person with those eyes.

Her boss-Aaron Snow.
Author's note: Enjoying the book? Please vote. Any questions please feel free to comment. Sayonara! For now😘

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