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~You cannot serve God and serve idols. You have to pick one.~

Going to work that morning had put Sarah in a nervous mood. As she stood at the door deliberating whether or not to go into Mr Snow's office, she couldn't help but remember the dream she'd had the night before.

She exhaled and opened the door— forgetting to knock. She was surprised to see he had a visitor.

It was his sister looking as stunning as ever.

"I'm sorry, I should have knocked." Sarah apologized.

"Oh, what a pleasant surprise, it's your PA." The chairwoman grinned at her boss, but she couldn't register why.
Well, technically, they were both her bosses.

"What is it, Miss Anderson?" She heard him ask. As she held his gaze, the dream she'd had the night before came flashing in her mind.

"Miss Anderson." She blinked and cleared her throat, bringing herself out of her dazed state.

She walked to his desk, handing him a document.

"I need you to sign this sir, it's very urgent." Without reading what was on it he signed it.

"Is that all?" Their hands brushed slightly as she took back the document from him.

"Yes sir, thank you." She turned to make for the door she came through.

"Uh Sarah, is it?" Sarah stopped and turned around.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Mr Snow is having lunch with one of the company's business partners this weekend, he and his wife. He is required to bring someone. Unfortunately, I won't be available." She said.

"Do you mind accompanying him?"

The chairwoman, Mr Snow's sister, smiled sweetly at her and for a few seconds, Sarah could only stare at her in surprise.

"What do you say?" Sarah looked over to him, he was awfully quiet-which wasn't a surprise.

"Of course ma'am." She couldn't exactly say 'no'.

"Good. Aaron will pick you up Saturday afternoon by 1:30." She informed Sarah.

Sarah nodded. Juliet sent a smile her way, or was it a smirk?

She stood and smoothened the non-existent creases on her suit skirt and walked out the door.

Sarah herself made for the adjoining door which led to her office.

"Miss Anderson." She stopped and turned to him.


"How are you feeling?" He enquired.

"Better sir." She looked down at her hand and then back up at him.

She needed to ask him.

"Do you still have nosebleeds?" She asked softly, staring at him.

Sarah saw something flash in his eyes.

"Sometimes." He replied quietly.

There was a pause for a few seconds before he spoke.

"May I ask you a question?" Sarah's eyes widened. It felt like déjà vu. It was like her dream was replaying itself but this time it wasn't a dream, this was reality.

"Yes." She swallowed.

She noticed the tiniest bit of hesitation from him.

"Have you found 'the one' yet?" For a few seconds Sarah was lost without a clue what he meant but then she remembered the first and the only time she'd ever been to his house.

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