In the dark

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"I didn't bring them with me." Her eyes widened.

That's right, he hadn't planned for them to stay for an extended period of time.

"We need to get you to the hospital." She wanted to break free from his hold but he didn't let her go.

"Stop." He said as calmly as he could.

Sarah's brows furrowed slightly. 'Why was he being difficult?' 'Didn't he care about his health?'

She shook her head, tears brimmed in her eyes.

"Why are you being like this? I don't understand you." He was stunned by her tears and for the first time in a long time, his face betrayed what he was feeling-shock.

'Was she crying for him?'

She broke free from his hold and looked straight into his eyes.

"Don't you care what happens to you?" He didn't respond.

She was sad and angry all at once. Sad because he reminded her of her mom who had passed away after fighting leukaemia for years and angry because he didn't want help.

He stared at her. She confused him, a lot.

"There won't be any need to go to the hospital."

'What was the point?' He thought.

It was a terminal illness, it wouldn't make any difference even if he did go.

The drugs were there just to slow down the deterioration, even so, they weren't doing much anymore.

He coughed into his hand, when he looked down at his palm, there was blood on it. Sarah's eyes widened in horror.

She was about to scream for help when he stood up shakily and held her cheek to catch her attention.

Her eyes widened in surprise. His eyes, she had never seen them that close before, she could see the black specks in them.

They were beautiful, so beautiful. His face gave nothing away but she saw something in his eyes that she couldn't explain.

"It wouldn't matter. Even if I did go, it still wouldn't matter." His eyes were intense as they stared into hers. He withdrew his hand back to his side and stepped away from her.

Her eyes filled with sadness, he didn't mean...?

She looked away, she understood.

"I'll be in my room." And with that, he started walking away from her, as best a man in his condition could. She ran up to him.

"Let me help you." He didn't protest as she supported his weight with hers. As they were about entering the elevator Sarah heard someone call after them. It was Lucy.

"Is everything okay?" Lucy eyed him. Sarah was about to say something when he spoke.

"I'm allergic to seafood. I wasn't aware shrimp seasonings were used to prepare my meal." He said effortlessly.

"Oh my God, are you ok sir? I'll inform Mr Gue-"

"I'm fine now, I just need a little rest." Lucy hesitated a little bit but then reluctantly, she let them pass.

They both got into the elevator and soon enough they were on the fourth floor. As they faced his door and she was about unlocking it, both her ears rang painfully. There it was again, the ominous presence.

She felt a slight headache, it was like the presence she had felt in his home and the one she sometimes felt when she prayed for him or was alone.

They've been occurring more frequently-ever since the night at the dinner meeting.

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