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~God wants our undivided attention. Have dove's eyes for God. Serve him and him only, don't go serving other gods.~

"What? You're taking over your father's company? Why didn't you tell us?" Judy queried Noah as the three of them walked into Lakewood park.

Noah actually looked kinda sheepish.

"It's not that big of a deal."

"Of course it's a big deal." They set up a picnic under a huge Palm tree. They all settled down.

"Why didn't you want to tell us?" Sarah asked.

"It's not that, I was waiting for the right time to break the news to you guys." He said.

"You're both invited. There's gonna be a party at our house, the official announcement will be made then."

"Your parents already invited me," Sarah said. He turned to her so fast he had whiplash.


"Yeah, during the lunch meeting Mr Snow and I had with them." Sarah elaborated.

"Why?" Noah asked.

"It seemed they already know me...courtesy of you." Noah's eyes widened. She had never seen him look that embarrassed before.

"What did they tell you?"

"Only that Judy and I are your best friends." She said.

"Was that all they said?" Sarah watched him closely.

"That's about the gist of it."

He exhaled.

"There's something else." He said.

"What?" Judy questioned.

"They said I have to get married."

"Married?!" Judy and Sarah both exclaimed simultaneously.

"And these are their words, 'Noah, getting married will make you more responsible.'" He scoffed.

"Yeah, sure."

"Am I not responsible?" He gestured to them both to back him up but Judy only fake coughed into her hand.

"Sarah back me up here." He said.

"Uhm...these sandwiches look delicious, we should try some."

Noah shook his head.

"I can't believe you both betrayed me. I mean I expected it from Mrs Witch here but not you Sarah." He sulked.

Sarah smiled cheekily.

"I'm sorry Egghead, but you put me in a hard situation." Judy chuckled and Sarah giggled at his sour expression.

Noah leaned against the tree and sighed deeply, brows furrowed in thought.

"I'm too young to get married. I mean I'm only twenty-four, I have my whole life ahead of me."

Sarah stopped giggling when she saw his sad countenance.

"I don't want to be tied to a woman I don't even love. How can I put her through such torture?" He said.

"Is it an arranged marriage?" Judy asked.

"No. They gave me three months to meet someone, I have less than two weeks left."

"If I haven't found someone before the official announcement they'd simply choose for me." He said.

"We're sorry Noah, that sounds awful," Sarah said placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

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