Arrival- Day2

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~How do I feel? I don't know, how do you feel?~

It was the second day at the hotel. He was at the conference meeting. It was already one in the afternoon.

Aaron sat at the first row where the most distinguished entrepreneurs like himself were placed. His mind was far from the meeting, his thoughts were engrossed in something, or rather someone else.

Soon enough, the conference was over.

He didn't bother exchanging pleasantries.

He made his way to his room which was on the fourth floor.

He looked at the room adjacent to his which was her room.

He couldn't help but wonder if she was in.

And even if she was, what would he do?

He turned away and entered his room, the room was dimly lit-which was how he liked it.

He could see it stand in the corner, merging with the shadows, it's glowing red coal eyes always gave it away.

"ı ŋơŧıĆɛɖ ყơų'۷ɛ ცɛĆơmɛ զųıŧɛ ɖřąɯŋ ŧơ ŧɧąŧ ɠıřٳ." It hissed.

Aaron took off his jacket and began loosening his tie.

"She's intriguing." He replied in his usual calm tone. He took off his shoes and set them neatly by the foot of the bed.

"ɖơŋ'ŧ ɠɛŧ ɖıŞŧřąĆŧɛɖ."

He thought about how that ship had already sailed. She was all he thought about now.

"I won't." He took off the rest of his clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

As the water cascaded down his body, thoughts of her flooded his mind full force. He pictured her face, her brown eyes and her lips.

He tried restraining his thoughts, he didn't want his mind to wander too far. He didn't want to have undignified thoughts about her but he just couldn't stop himself from picturing her lips on his.

He shook his head. No.

He opened his eyes, he couldn't allow himself to think about her that way.

"ყơų ɯąŋŧ ɧɛř ɖơŋ'ŧ ყơų? ყơų ٳųŞŧ ąʄŧɛř ɧɛř." He could hear its voice snake around his head.

"ყơųř ცơɖყ ცųřŋŞ ʄơř ɧɛř." It whispered darkly.

It wasn't true, it was messing with his mind.

He closed his eyes to block it out.

"ŞɧɛŞ ıŋ ɧɛř řơơm řıɠɧŧ ŋơɯ. Şɧɛ Ćơųٳɖŋ'ŧ קơŞŞıცٳყ ცɛ ąცٳɛ ŧơ řɛŞıŞŧ ყơų." His brows furrowed.

"Şɧɛ ცųřŋŞ ʄơř ყơų ŧơơ ʝųŞŧ ąŞ mųĆɧ ąŞ ყơų do ʄơř ɧɛř."

"ɠơ ŧơ ɧɛř řơơm ąŋɖ ŧąҠɛ ɧɛř." It continued.

"Enough!" He raised his voice. Surprisingly, it fell silent.

His breathing was laboured. His mind was in shambles. It was as if for a split second his mind wasn't his own. He was so dangerously close to acting on what it had said.

Sometimes, his mind and body acted like they weren't his.

He leaned his forehead against the bathroom wall.

He had a little bit of control this time, what if he didn't next time?


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