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*Chapter contains strong language*

"Judy, what's taking you so long?" Sarah yelled at her new best friend.

They were at a boutique store, Judy had more or less dragged her there.

A few weeks had passed since that fateful night at the dinner meeting, since she learnt her boss suffered from an illness of some sort.

She saw a part of him she hadn't seen before.

She rubbed her temple and sighed, she's been feeling these splitting headaches for the past few days.

She's been sensing a presence, a sinister presence, and it seemed to hover over her for a few moments, she would pray and then it would leave and with it the headaches.

It was similar to what she had felt in his home and at the dinner meeting.

She needed a day off and thankfully, it was Saturday but unfortunately for her, Judy had other plans-to go shopping.

"Judy!" Sarah called out to her once again.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, sheesh. You sound like my grandma." Said person came out of the changing room adorned in a beautiful evening black dress.

Apparently, she had a date, her boyfriend Aiden was taking her to a nice, expensive restaurant-so she said.

Sarah's eyes widened, it was absolutely lovely, gorgeous in fact.

It fitted her perfectly but there was a comma-it exposed half her cleavage.

"It's beautiful." Sarah complimented.

"But...?" Judy asked with a knowing look.

How could she have possibly known there was a 'but'?

"But nothing!" Sarah exclaimed defensive.

Judy rolled her eyes at her.

"You and I both know with you, there's always a 'but'." Sarah sighed.

"Okay. The dress is beautiful and it looks even more beautiful on you but it's showing a lot." There, she said it.

Judy laughed.

"You mean me boobs?" She gestured to her chest in a comical way.

Sarah looked around to see if any of the customers were staring at them.

"Yes, your boobs." She whispered.

"I know it's revealing, I just wanted you to be honest with me. I didn't really like it anyway."

"Right..." 'What?'

"Pass me that red dress," Judy ordered. Sarah did as she was told. Her best friend rushed back into the changing room and began to strip.

"Oh Sarah, I have a good feeling about this one." She said excitedly.

"Besides, I don't need to show me boobs to catch his attention. I've charm, right Sarah?"

"Uh-uh," Sarah replied distracted.

She just received a message, it was from Noah.

Sender: Noah
Time: 2:17pm

Sender: Sarah
Time: 2:19pm
Hello Noah

The next second, she received another message.

Sender: Noah
Time: 2:19pm
What're you doing right now?

Sarah checked to see if Judy was through trying on the dress-she wasn't.

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