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It was Friday night. After a tedious day at work, Sarah lay still on her bed curled on her side.

She was in her pyjamas and had just finished her night prayer. Her mind was troubled, she couldn't sleep, how could she?

She'd been thinking about what she'd seen that night in his hotel room back in Florida.

She knew that thing with glowing red eyes was a demon. What business did it have with her boss? She wondered about how little she knew about her employer, he was mysterious and unpredictable.

One could never tell what he was thinking or what he was feeling or if he even felt at all.

She sighed softly, never in her life had she met someone like him and she wondered what could have possibly made him the way he was.

That day at work, he was his usual stoic self but he stared at her more, even when he thought she wasn't looking but she doubted he even cared if she caught him staring.

She rolled unto her back and stared at the ceiling. He was dangerous, he may not look it but Sarah perceived darkness in him that seemed to be growing.

She needed to be careful around him and not to let down her guard, spiritually and when she related with him.

There was this wariness she felt when she was around him so she knew she had to be careful.

She's been praying more than usual which sometimes extended into hours, mostly during the night.

Lately, she's been seeing visions of great darkness covering the entire earth, natural disasters everywhere, earthquakes and tsunamis, epidemics and plagues.

Some were so terrifying they shook her to the core. She knew they were signs of the end of days, the end time.

She then started seeing a wall in her dreams and sometimes in her visions. The wall was so big, she could not see the end of its height nor could she tell the end of its width. It seemed to go on forever.

She remembered the voice, the whisper she had heard. It'd said, 'The Wall Is Breaking."

At first, she had been confused and had prayed for interpretation and then the holy spirit led her to a book in the Bible, it was the book of Psalms.

Chapter 104 verse 9

It said,

'Thou hast set a bound that they may not pass over, that they turn not again to cover the earth.'

She sat up and picked her Bible and opened it to the verse.

She hadn't understood it at first but then the holy spirit revealed what it really meant.

God raised a barrier, a wall to prevent the demons and the powers of darkness from overflowing over the earth and from transcending from their realm into theirs freely.

The words she had heard, 'The 'Wall Is Breaking.' simply meant that the barrier will soon be broken and it won't be able to hold them back anymore.

And the 'Wall' will break immediately after the rapture as the Lord had shone her.

Only God knows what will happen when they are unleashed into the entire world.

They were 'in the last days'-(check out the book on Wattpad) and rapture is close, so close. And she didn't want to be around after rapture when the wall finally breaks completely.

She exhaled.

If things were this bad now, she wondered how things would be then.

She wondered what the devil wanted from her boss and what his role in all these was.

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