The dinner meeting2

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"In the flesh"

He took her hand and pecked it lightly in a gentlemanly manner, a smirk adorning his face.

She quickly withdrew her hand.

"What are you doing here?" She saw his smirk drop a little.

"My dad's kinda the one hosting all this." He said lightly, his eyes never leaving hers.

Her eyes widened slightly in surprise.


She sat back down and he took the seat in front of her.

"I wasn't really sure it was you which is why I came over. You look lovely by the way." He complimented her, his blue eyes standing out.

He looked pretty immaculate and handsome in his black suit, his tie and beautiful eyes matched.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself." She heard herself say.

His smiled this time around.

"You should know better than to give a guy a compliment." He joked.

"Oh, and why is that?" She found herself getting more relaxed in his company.

"Because of our giant-sized ego." He said cheekily.

Sarah couldn't help herself, she chuckled. It was more of how he said it and his expression. She laughed easily.

"I'll keep that in mind." She looked at him from across the table and smiled.

"I feel like this is progress." He gestured to the two of them with his hand in a comical way.

"Yeah, our last meeting wasn't exactly...eventful." She smiled.

"I apologize if I came across as creepy, I'm usually not like that, I swear. I'm much smoother than that." He gave her a wink.

"Besides, I'm a sucker for dark curly hair and beautiful brown eyes. I just couldn't help myself." He chose that moment to look directly into her eyes, his smirk fully in place. She looked away unable to hold his intense gaze. She didn't want to get carried away, she still didn't know what his real intents were.

Her earlier opinion of him wasn't exactly the best.

"You weren't able to enjoy your ice cream, no thanks to me anyway. Let me make it up to you."

She chuckled.

"It's not a date, I promise." She raised an eyebrow.

"Please say yes, I know a pretty dope ice-cream shop." His blue eyes were playful as they stared into hers. She exhaled.

"Sure, why not?"

"Be prepared to have your taste buds blown away by the most exquisite flavours-mango definitely not being one of them-you'll ever taste." He chuckled.

She knew he was making fun of her. She couldn't help smiling.

Maybe she was wrong about him.

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