The New Personal Assistant

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"Miss Anderson, please take a seat."

She did as she was told.

The office was very large with an extremely wide window which gave a breathtaking view of the city.

His desk was pretty wide as well and it sparkled. His office furniture was mostly a mixture of ash and white.

There were a couch and a fairly large table situated in the centre of the office and on top of it was a bowl filled with candy.

She was seated on the couch and her eyes stared longingly at the sweet looking candies but she managed to control herself.

She brought her attention back to the man seated behind the enormous desk...her new boss-well she hoped she got the job.

He was definitely much younger than she thought he would be. He was immaculately dressed in a very expensive-looking black suit, which made him look intimidating.

He had chin-length dark hair which framed his face so perfectly. His hair was trimmed slightly shorter at the back.

As she stared at him, she couldn't help but feel nervous.

She felt even more so when he didn't say anything but seemed to just observe her with his expressionless face, but all too striking bottle-green eyes.

Finally, after a few seconds, which seemed like minutes, he spoke.

"It came to my knowledge that you applied for a job here." His voice was low, his eyes boring into hers.

"Yes, sir." She managed to quickly say.

"And due to your lack of experience, you weren't given the job." His face was stoic but not hard as he addressed her.

"Yes, sir." This time she replied weakly in a quiet voice.

He was silent for a while before he spoke again.

"I'm sorry Miss Anderson that vacancy has been filled. But there is something I can do for you." His voice calm as he spoke.

"Recently, my personal assistant resigned and I've been in need of one ever since." He paused, it seemed almost deliberate as if to set her on edge even more.

"Are you interested?"

His gaze on her never for once faltered.

It was as if her tongue had glued to the roof of her mouth because she found herself opening her mouth but it would seem instead of words coming out, only air came out. But, thank God her brain decided to boot start then.

"Yes sir, I would very much like that sir." She managed to say.

"You're a very intelligent woman Miss Anderson and I look forward to working with you."


Sarah wanted to cry right then, but she couldn't bring herself to make a mess of herself in front of her new employer.

She reminded herself that good first impression was very crucial.

She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat before speaking.

"Thank you, sir." A treacherous tear got through past one of her eyes. She quickly wiped it discretely before he could see it.

He stood up and walked towards her. He held out his hand for a handshake and she quickly stood up and they shook hands.

"Thank you, sir, you won't regret this."

Their hands parted.

"I want to believe so. You may leave. I expect you to be here tomorrow at 8 am sharp. The rest we'll discuss tomorrow." He instructed, his tone firm.

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