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~I've got moves like jagger.~

"Aaron!" The children all screamed and ran, hugging his legs.

"You're back!" Ellie chirped excitedly. Aaron nodded, a small smile on his lips.

"And you came with her too. Is she your special person?" Another girl asked.

Sarah's eyes widened and then a smile spread on her lips.

"She's my personal assistant," Aaron answered. Ellie scrunched her nose.

"Personal assistant? Like someone who helps you with things and stuff?"


"Then I want a personal assistant," Ellie said.

"I want one too."

"No, I asked first."

"No, me!" The two argued and soon everyone joined in.

"Guys, guys?" Sarah tried calming the children but her voice was swallowed by the children's argument.

Then an idea popped into her head.

"Who wants some candy?" Sarah said in a sing-song voice loud enough for them to hear, and like magic, it worked.

"Me!" They all chorused.

"I want one." Ellie grinned adorably.

"Me too." A girl in pigtails said.

"Okay, but on one condition, if you promise not to argue," Sarah said.

"We promise!" They all chorused once again. Sarah chuckled.

Like her boss had promised he bought a truck-load of different varieties of candies.

Aaron called Tom who was waiting by the car to bring all the candies, which were brought by a bus along with other presents.


Miss Catherine couldn't thank him enough when she saw all the presents.

"Thank you so much, Mr Snow. You are truly God sent." He nodded.

"And you Miss Anderson, thank you for coming to see the children again. They've grown quite fond of you."

"Thanks to you they've come to the knowledge of Christ and they're always asking questions that have even challenged me to know more about the Lord. Thank you, Miss Anderson." She added.

"Thank God, Miss Catherine."

An hour later, they both left but with much difficulty, the children didn't want them to leave but eventually they had to let them go.

"The children are very fond of you sir," Sarah said smiling as they were sitting in his car on their way to his house.

"They're mostly fond of you." He said in his usual tone.

"What you did for those children, they'll never forget it. You're very kind."

"They remind me of my childhood." He said after a while.

Sarah's eyes widened.

"You grew up in an orphanage?" She asked softly, cautious. He was hesitant.

He was unsure whether to tell her about his childhood or not.

"Yes." He said slowly.

"I didn't know." The information she was able to get about him from the internet, nothing was mentioned about him growing up in an orphanage.

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