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~Oh, mirror, mirror, so good at mimicking everything you see. But that's it isn't it, you only mimic what's on the outside, what about what you can't see? Mirror, mirror, what's on the inside?~

The weekend was great with Judy, they went to watch a comedy at the nearby cinema. Thankfully, she didn't live too far, so it was convenient meeting up.

A few weeks had passed by since she started working at SnowCorp. She had already gotten a firm hand on her job and this week she would be receiving her salary. She was excited about that, she really needed to pay her rent.

Fortunately for her, Mr Snow was satisfied with her work so far so there shouldn't be any problem.

Sarah checked her wristwatch, it was already time for her lunch break. She walked over to his door and knocked.

He responded immediately.

"Come in."

She entered and closed the door behind her.

As usual, he was buried neck-deep in his work. As she studied him, she couldn't help but wonder if he ever slept.

"Can I get you anything from the cafeteria sir?"

He raised his head and removed his glasses.

She grimaced, he had bags.

She couldn't help but feel a little worried about him.

She was right, he hadn't been sleeping. Most days he had bags underneath his eyes.

He stared at her but he didn't say anything.

'What was he thinking? Why was he staring at her like that?'

His beautiful yet cold green eyes were intense as they stared right into her dark brown ones, making her uncomfortable.

"Sir?" He blinked.

"I'll have a cup of coffee." He said finally.

"Yes sir." Immediately, she turned but stopped when she heard him call her name.

"Miss Anderson." She turned back to him.

"Yes sir?"

"There's going to be a gathering of important businessmen from all over the continent at the Crimson Villa this evening."

"My appearance there is of utmost importance, would you mind accompanying me?" His eyes remained fixed on hers.

Sarah's own widened considerably, she was surprised he was asking her, to say the least.

'This was a first.'

"Of course sir, I-I sir" She cringed inwardly. Wow, Sarah...

He nodded.

"Tom will be at your place to pick you up by 7."

"Yes sir. Um sir, may I ask what the dress code is?" She didn't know why she was even asking.

He stared at her with a look that made her uncomfortable.

She quickly cleared her throat to hide her embarrassment.

"It's just a dinner meeting hosted by a very wealthy and powerful businessman who apparently has more than enough money to waste. You can wear anything you want."

"Yes sir." Her eyes caught the bags underneath his eyes once again and she couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him. She took a deep breath and spoke.

"May I say something, sir?" His full attention was on her.

"Of course, what is it?"

"I noticed for the past few days you've seemed stressed out, I just wanted to ask if you were ok sir."

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