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It's been two weeks since Sarah received the tragic news of her husband's passing, two weeks since she'd received the letter he had written her but hadn't found the courage to read.

As she laid in their room, on their bed, tears fell unrelenting down her cheeks.

She sniffed.

She was alone at home, Juliet was at school.

She hadn't been able to bring herself to go to work ever since.

She knew she had to. The company was her sole responsibility now, it's been for a while, ever since he left.

Juliet on the other hand had been much stronger than her. She had even been the one comforting her.

Judy hadn't been able to neither had Noah.

"Mommy, it's okay. Daddy's in a better place, he's with big Daddy now." Her daughter had told her.

Sarah knew she had been referring to God.

She reached for the letter she had left to gather dust on her bedside drawer.

She wiped it and read what was written on the envelope out in a soft tone.

'To my loving wife.'

Her heart squeezed painfully in her chest as she read those words.

Sarah took a deep breath and opened the envelope.

In it was a neatly folded letter.

She opened it and began to read.

Dear Sarah,

    I know by now you must have heard of my death. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
Before I left, the Lord had shown me that my time had come and I wouldn't be coming back home.
   I couldn't tell you, I couldn't bring myself to break your heart or rather, it was selfishness on my part because I knew what seeing you cry would do to me.
    I love you. I love you more than life itself and I thank God every waking moment for bringing you into my life. You cared for me like a mother, like a friend you stood by me.
   My life without you would have simply been empty. You came to my house and you made it home. You loved me and you gave me a treasure—our beautiful daughter, I know she's in good hands. Please tell her I love her.
    Writing this letter to you right now is the hardest thing I've ever had to do, even more so than the reality of the death I will soon face.
I wish I could see you, even if it's just for a moment, to hold you in my arms and gaze into your beautiful brown eyes.
    Sarah, I want you to always be prepared, the day of the Lord is near, so near. Be prepared so that when the Lord comes, he may find you in the faith. Watch lest you fall into temptation. Hold on to the faith Sarah, never let go of it.
    I love you and Juliet, you both mean everything to me. Be strong for one       another.
    Thank you, Sarah, for your love, care, encouragement, everything.

My heart will always belong to you, even to the very moment it stops beating.

I love you, Sarah.

Your sweetheart,

Aaron dropped the pen as he finished the letter. He folded it neatly and placed it in an envelope.

He picked the pen and wrote on it.

He sighed with the heaviness of heart. There was so much he'd wanted to write, so much he'd wanted to tell her, but it'll have to do.

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