'Will you marry me?'

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Eight months had passed since that fateful morning, the day his life changed forever.

Aaron waxed stronger and stronger in the Lord every day and the Lord loved him and blessed him more abundantly.

It started gradually, first, he would find himself at small gatherings sharing the love of Christ to others, telling them about the immense joy found in Christ Jesus and often he would tell stories about how he came to give his life to Christ.

He had donated half of all his wealth to charity all over the world.

He'd helped countless people, children, through the money the Lord has blessed him with and he only increased in stature and wealth the more he gave, but the Lord did not allow his wealth to snare his heart.

Sarah became his co-partner running SnowCorp and things had never been better for him.

He'd never experienced such bliss in all his life.

Aaron had taken Sarah out on a date to celebrate their eight-month anniversary since they've been together.

It was a secluded part of the restaurant and it had an amazing view of the mountains.

He'd be lying if he said the past few months hadn't been challenging for them, especially him but Aaron understood the importance of sexual purity and how it immensely pleased God although, on some occasions, it'd been extremely hard for him since each day his love for her only seemed to grow-if that was even possible.

But the Lord strengthened them both, reading and meditating on the word helped too.

Aaron pulled the chair for her and she sat down.

"Thank you." Aaron pecked her cheek.

"You're welcome." He took his seat.

"What would you like?" Sarah smiled and gave him the menu.

"Why don't you order for both of us." Aaron's eyes widened slightly and then lowered.

"Okay." So he did.

"Thank you for bringing me here Aaron, it's really beautiful," Sarah said with a beautiful smile.

His heart swelled, he had really put a lot of effort into that night.

It was the little things she did and said but were in no way little to him that made him appreciate her and love her the more.

Her soft words, her compliments, her encouraging smile and the fact that she always appreciated the littlest things he did for her.

Who wouldn't love and cherish a woman like that?

As Sarah looked into his beautiful green eyes, she got a bit emotional when she thought about how far they'd both come and how much God had been using him all over the world for his glory, to bring people to the knowledge of Christ.

She smiled, amazed at it all.

"Sarah, are you okay?" He'd rushed to her side in an instant.

"Tell me what's wrong."

"It's nothing, I'm fine. I'm just really happy." She chuckled tearily.

He gazed into her eyes.

"Your happiness is my happiness, Sarah." He took both her hands in his and gently pulled her up.

They were all alone on the balcony, he had reserved the entire area just for them.

Tiny snowflake began to fall steadily.

Holding her hand, he led her to the railings and they both gazed as beautiful snowflakes descended on the city afar in the dark night. The stars shone brightly over them.

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