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~Friendship blossoms in the most unusual of places.~

"Hey there. What are you two little kids doing out here on the street on this chilly rainy day?"

An elderly man with an umbrella, who seemed to be in his mid sixties approached two scrawny looking kids who were taking cover under a makeshift shelter they had managed to make by an alley.

"Ronnie, that old man looks like grandpa." Little Julie beamed at the old man hiding behind her older brother.

"No Julie, that isn't grandpa." He replied back tiredly, he was so hungry.

Their clothes were torn all over and they had both lost weight.

"Here you go." He brought out two cupcakes from the small basket he was carrying and gave them to the older one.

Ronnie's stomach growled as he stared at the mouth-watering cupcakes, he blushed in embarrassment.

He looked back up at the old man unsure.

'They weren't supposed to accept things from strangers,' he thought.

He swallowed the saliva that had already gathered in his mouth.

But what choice did they have, they were starving.

He gave one to his little sister. Julie dug in immediately and in a matter of seconds, it was gone.

He on the other hand took his time, savouring it, he didn't know when next they would eat something that delicious.

"Where are your parents?" The old man asked when they were done with the cupcakes. The children both exchanged looks.

"We don't know, we ran away from home," Julie spoke with tears in her eyes.

"Julie..." Was her brother's sharp rebuff.

The elderly man's eyes filled with understanding.

"It's ok little ones. Why don't you both come with me to my home." They didn't have much of a choice as the rain got heavier and the makeshift shelter was barely holding up.

They got into his old Benz, he put on the heater and on they went to an unknown destination.


Sarah and Noah arrived at a lovely ice cream shop. He had picked her up at her apartment and brought her there.

She didn't wear anything fancy just a black jean and a white top that had a single word written on it in red, LOVE.

She didn't know why she had picked that particular top, it was super comfy though. She had her hair in a messy bun and she wore a pair of black leather sandals.

He was wearing black pants and a plain white shirt. She found it strange that they seemed to match.

They took their seats in the far corner of the shop near the window.

"Impressed?" He moved his brows up and down in a pretty comical manner. She smiled.

"Not until I try their ice cream out."

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