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~I asked myself, what do I want the most? Then I realised above all, it's for God to look down from heaven and say, 'I am proud of you.'~

"We've arrived in Florida sir." They both heard the pilot say.

No less than five minutes later, they were on the ground.

A car was already waiting for them.

The driver opened the door for Mr Snow and then for her. She was in awe as they drove through the state of Florida. She's never been there before, she heard it was a nice place for vaca.

She wondered if the people there ate pizza as they did back home. She smiled at her ridiculous thought.

'Of course, they didn't.'

She watched through the window the hustle and bustle of people going about their daily activities.

Suddenly, what transpired in the plane invaded her thoughts and her euphoric mood went down by several notches.

She tried stealing a glance at him from the corner of her eyes. As usual, he was on his phone.

He hadn't said a word since and she couldn't help but feel he thought her a pest.

Now she knew he didn't care for her concern and he'd only tolerated her because he was being polite.

She turned back to the window and stared at the people they drove past but then she couldn't really see anything anymore.

Twenty minutes later they arrived at a hotel and judging from its luxurious exterior, she guessed it was a five-star hotel.

There were palm trees scattered everywhere, which formed a lovely shade, and a lovely fountain at the very centre.

'But what were they doing here?'

Even the valets were well-groomed.

They made their way in.

If she had thought the outside was awesome then the interior was absolutely breathtaking.

The lobby was huge-there were so many people.

They got to the reception.

Sarah saw two ladies there-they were neatly dressed as well.

One of them was busy attending to a Saudi Arabian man while the other attended to them.

She seemed to recognize Mr Snow immediately.

"Oh, Mr Snow. It's nice to see you again, it's been a while." Her smile was overly wide.

Sarah saw 'Lucy' on her name tag.

"How was your journey?" She chirped.

"We've been expecting you. Come with me please."

They followed her as she led them outback.

"Mr Guerrero said to bring you once you arrived." She continued as they trailed behind her.

She thought the conference would take place on the top floor but she was wrong. She brought them to a closed-off, restricted area.

She led them through a path thickly surrounded by trees and after five minutes of walking, they arrived at a ginormous structure.

It was breathtakingly huge

'How many people were attending this conference exactly?' She couldn't help but think.

Why would someone build such a structure in that kind of location? Security flooded the place and she wondered what exactly it was they were guarding.

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