I Am

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~I heard, you were, wondering, if God still answers.~

"How was work today Sarah?" Judy asked taking a spoon out of her ice cream. They were at their ice cream hangout spot.

"It was fine and you?"

"It was ok, same old same old I guess," Judy replied turning the spoon in her hand. She dropped it loudly on the table.

"It was boring, Noah's not there to annoy the hair out of my head."

Sarah smiled.

"It's been a month since he's gone to London," Sarah said.

"Yeah. I miss that jerk."

"I miss him too Judy."

"He doesn't call or text as much," Judy stated.

"He's probably been so busy now that he's the new CEO of MinoCorp." Judy sighed dramatically.

"Yeah," Sarah said quietly.

"So, Sarah, he still hasn't called you uhn?" Judy asked.

"No, not since that night at the party. I called several times but they keep telling me he's busy and can't take calls." Sarah said.

"Do you know why?" Judy enquired.

"No," Sarah replied.

"Don't worry."

Sarah sighed.

"I'm not worried, I just hope he's doing ok."

"I'm sure he is."


Aaron and his sister, Juliet, sat in her living room talking. The house wasn't as big as his but it was cosy and warm, even though it was a glasshouse.

He's never seen a living room so colourful and lively. It was a stark contrast to his.

"You don't know how happy I am that you're here." She grinned.

She'd been doing that lately, he noticed. He wondered if it was partly because of him. He hoped it was.

"Wow, this is your first time being here, I'm so excited just thinking about it," Julie said.

"I'm glad my being here makes you happy." She placed her hand over his.

"You always make me happy Aaron." Hearing her say that comforted him in ways that knew no bound. All he could do was nod.

"I'll be heading to London tomorrow to meet Eric. The wedding is in four days, can you believe it?" She awed.

'She was glowing, was that what love did to a person?'

"Can't wait." He said and gave her a small smile but she knew he was only smiling to set her mind at ease and that made her incredibly sad.

"I just want you to be happy." She said. He looked into her eyes.

"Seeing you happy is my happiness." She sighed as tears brimmed in her eyes. She was afraid he would end up old and alone and she didn't want that for him. She really wanted him to be happy.

"Have you told her?" She asked him. He pretended not to hear what she said.

"Aaron?" She pressed gently.

"No." He said after a while.

"You have to tell her." He stood up as if the very subject disturbed him and it did, immensely.

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