"I love you."

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~Chapter contains sensitive content.~

Sarah opened her eyes and saw herself in an unfamiliar room.

She sat up on the bed.

"Careful, she could pass out again." She heard someone say by her side.

She rubbed her temple, trying to make sense of where she was.

"Mango." Her eyes widened.

She slowly looked up to see the person whom she'd missed dearly for so long, staring at her with a sorry expression on his face.

"N-Noah?" She asked confused.

"Where am I?" She groaned rubbing her temple.

"We're at Snow's house. He brought you here when you fainted." He said.

"He called Judy, Judy then called me. I came as fast as I could." He said, worry evident in his brows.

"Fainted? When?" Her voice sounded scratchy even in her own ears.

"Five days ago when you were out with Aaron," Judy said sitting beside her on the bed.

Sarah's eyes widened.

'That long?'

"Where is he?"

"He's downstairs. He never left your side, not once. He never told us how it happened though." Judy said.

"I was this close to bashing his face in when I saw your unconscious body-" Judy cleared her throat.

"I'll go tell him you're awake." Judy left the room leaving the two of them alone in the room.

"How are you feeling?" Noah sat on the bed and stared into her eyes.

"I'm fine, no thanks to you." She managed to say, she was still tired.

"I'm sorry Sarah. I could'n—"

"Couldn't what? Couldn't reply to my texts, pick my calls, all these months. I was worried about you, I wanted to know if you were ok but you didn't even care."

"You never called either, what happened?" His blue eyes were intense with emotion as they looked into hers.

"I couldn't because I was afraid the moment I heard your voice I would come running back." His voice shook slightly.

"I told myself the next time you saw me, I wanted you to be proud of me, of who I've become."

Her eyes lowered in understanding.

"I've always been proud of you Noah."

"It means a lot to hear you say that." She tried smiling at him.

"Sarah I—" The door opened and Judy walked in, behind her was Aaron.

Sarah's eyes immediately moved to him but Aaron wasn't looking at her, he was staring at Noah and that was when she realized how close she and Noah were seating.

Judy noticed it too and cleared her throat.

"I'm pretty thirsty Noah. Let's go get some ice cream."

"No, I'm good." He smiled at Sarah.

"Get up mister, Sarah wants one."

"But she never sa—"

"Now!" Noah rolled his eyes and stood.

"Ok, okay."

"I'll go get us some ice cream, will you be okay with him Sarah?" He said referring to Aaron.

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