The big decision

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It was Sunday morning.

Sarah, Aaron, Judy and Noah all attended the morning service together.

It was Sarah's church, she had invited Aaron and he had agreed to go with her on the spot.

She invited Judy and Noah too and they both decided to come with too. It was a Pentecostal church. Its name was Power of His Resurrection Church.

This was one of its many branches scattered all over the globe. Coincidentally, the General Overseer who went by the name Pastor Olukehinde Olatunde Johnson was the one ministering that Sunday morning having come all the way from Nigeria.

That was the first time Sarah was seeing the General Overseer, she'd heard some of his great exploits all over the world, the generous donations he makes to orphanages, food banks and clothes banks he had constructed in all their branches to help the needy.

Their branch had those too, they even had a very big shelter to provide good housing accommodation and provision for the homeless.

The General Overseer with the help of the church had empowered so so many people worldwide who have become very successful people in society today.

As Sarah watched the man, the General Overseer whom she respected even though seeing him for the first time, she knew that particular Sunday was going to be different.

As Aaron sat by Sarah's side, he felt pleasantly overwhelmed by everything he'd seen so far. He's never known a church to have and play all the musical instruments in the world.

Fun fact by Sarah.

Any you could think of was there.

From cultural African instruments like the gongon, bataa, omele, shekereto instruments like the saxophone, cymbals, trumpet, trombone, clarinet to the string instruments; violin, cello, guitar and so much more.

Their drum set was a 360° set, that was the first place he'd ever seen such a beautiful display of instruments.

Their choir was another thing entirely. Throughout the praise and worship, he sang and danced, even though he didn't know how to sing and didn't know the first thing about dancing.

He, who had never entered a church in his life, he who had never sung a worship song before, to his immense surprise he did all those things.

He quickly learned the pastor loved praise seeing how he too sang himself and the choir backing him up.

He's never heard such melody before.

He felt an overpowering presence all around him, similar to what he'd felt when he'd been in the Lord's presence during his encounter.

He literally felt it and as he watched Sarah with her eyes closed uttering words, inaudible words seemingly lost in a world of her own, he knew she felt it too.

Who knew such liberating experience existed.

Aaron mourned the countless Sundays he'd wasted doing nothing at home.

Was this what he was missing all these years he was trapped in stark depression?

Aaron's eyes were trained on the man of God as he mounted the pulpit.

"Our God we thank you for this morning. You are the reason why we are gathered together." His voice was so smooth and calm.

"Our eyes look unto you. I pray this morning, for as many people under the voice of my ministration, let the power in your word touch every life."

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