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~What do you do in a world that's filled with darkness? That's easy. You make sure you stand out as the light, always.~

*Chapter contains strong language*

"Kids we're here. Is this the house?" Paul, the elderly man that had taken them off the streets asked.

"Yes," Aaron answered. As the three of them walked towards the house, Aaron felt uneasy, as if something bad had happened.

It looked old, there were overgrown grasses all over the front yard.

Their home was secluded but they'd always enjoyed their privacy.

Paul knocked on the door thrice- nobody answered.

He turned the handle-the door was unlocked. He opened the door and they entered.

The children were hesitant at first, afraid even.

They walked around the house but they didn't see anyone.

"Hello?" Paul called.

"Mrs Snow, I'm here with your kids. I'm sure you must be worried sick about them." He continued.

Still, there was no response.

The house was messy and disorganized. Unwashed dishes were piled in the sink.

Paul looked around and saw Julie going through one of her old storybooks.

"Where's your brother?" Paul asked her. She shrugged.

"I think he went upstairs." She answered.

The elderly man went to look for him. He carefully climbed the rickety stairs but then a foul odour wafted through his nose.

He wondered what could be the cause of such horrible stench.

"Aaron?" He called.
There was no response. He walked through the hallway passing some rooms but there was an open room at the end of the hall and it seemed the closer he got to it the stronger the odour got too.

When he entered the room, the sight he saw made him cough hysterically and cover his nose. He had found the source of the foul odour and Aaron as well.

There Aaron stood staring unmoving at the decomposed body of a woman Paul could only guess was their mother, hanging from the ceiling.

She had hanged herself and judging from the decomposed state, she must have been dead for almost a week.

He grabbed the little boy who was standing no less than four feet from his deceased mother and pulled him out of the room.

Ten minutes later, the house was swarming with police and there was an ambulance.

Aaron and Juliet sat on the front porch, towels draped around them both.

Julie was crying her eyes out but Aaron was quiet, too quiet.

He stared unblinkingly at nothing in particular. Paul was busy explaining to the police what had happened.

A policeman crouched in front of the two kids.

"Here." He gave Julie a kerchief from his pocket.

"Thank you." She took it and wiped her eyes and nose.

"I'm gonna have to ask you both some very important questions, will you help me out?" Julie nodded her head sniffing.

"What's your name dear?"

"I-I'm Julie S-Snow."

"That's a good sweety."

"How about you?" He motioned to Aaron but he was greeted with silence. His eyes were unseeing as he stared out into space. Paul came to meet the policeman.

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