Big day 2

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Continues from 'Big day'

It felt strange calling him 'Aaron' out loud.

She needed air.


She went outside behind the house-there was an impossibly large swimming pool.

There were couches and chairs all over. Sarah decided to sit on one of the single chairs near the pool.

She sighed, she could see her breath. It was pretty cold. Her thoughts went back to the time she'd spent with her boss, with Aaron.

He'd looked so handsome, and mysterious. She was saying the truth when she said there was darkness brewing inside of him just beneath the surface-she had sensed it.

She still didn't understand what her role was. Why had God brought her into his life?

Whenever she has breached the subject of Jesus, he always seemed to react in the negative.

She sighed once again and looked up at the beautiful starry sky. The moon and stars shined so brightly.

Then she heard the gentle voice of the holy spirit, 'You are the shining light in the darkness that is his life.'

'What am I to do?' She cried, helpless.

She heard the holy spirit's voice clearly.

'Just be the light.'

Be the light.

She remembered that fateful night during the conference in Florida. She could never forget those two red glowing eyes that stood beside Aaron's bed, talking to him as if they'd known each other for a long time.

She had also heard Aaron saying he didn't want anything to do with Lucifer, but making the deal anyway.

'Why would he do that?'

'Why would he mortgage his own soul?'

To spend more time with his sister? 'Lord I'm confused.'

'How do you save a soul that has already been sold?'

Then she heard the holy spirit's voice speak again.

'I am the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me to do?'

"No Jesus. Nothing is impossible to them who believe." She replied.

'I have shed my blood for the remission of your sins and the redemption of your souls.'

'I have paid the ultimate sacrifice, I have given my life on the cross so that you wouldn't have to. Tell him, Sarah, that my blood still speaks for them who wish to be saved.'

"Yes, Lord." She fell from the chair and knelt on the ground, the presence of the holy spirit was overwhelming, it was everywhere, she couldn't move, she couldn't speak.

'Tell him my grace is sufficient.' She could only nod.

'Tell him I am merciful and sovereign and I rule over the affairs of men.'

'He won't listen to me.' She thought.

'The heart of the king is mine, he will listen because I will soften his stone heart and turn it into a heart of flesh.' She was amazed at how He could hear her thoughts. She smiled.

'You will pass through temptation and hardship but do not be afraid, I will always be with you.' She let herself be comforted by His words.

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