The Dinner Meeting

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~Let Jesus be your power source, and once you get that energy-that light- be sure to illuminate others as well.~

As Aaron rode in the back seat of his car, his eyes closed, he couldn't resist cursing himself.

He knew he had just crushed what little piece of hope he had left-his little sister.

Hopeless, that was what he was.

He sighed inaudibly.

It was for her own good, he didn't want her to get hurt.

And that in itself was the irony considering he had just hurt her. He sighed again...this time audibly.

"Where to sir?" He heard Tom say by the driver's seat.

"What time is it?" He asked instead.

"It's 4:20 sir," Tom answered quickly.

"Take me to my house, I need to get ready for the dinner meeting."

"Yes sir."

"Şɧɛ'll ɧąŧɛ ყơų fơřɛ۷ɛř."

He heard the disembodied voice echo in his head, the same voice that had plagued him ever since he was a child.

The darkness was an ever present existence, it was so tangible he could almost suffocate in it and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of it, in fact, he couldn't recall a time when he didn't feel its oppressive presence.

Aaron bowed his head and grabbed his hair.

"I know." He whispered back.


Soon enough, they got to his house. The large metal gates opened to receive them into the impossibly big driveway.

There were tall trees on either side casting impressive shadows as they drove through.

He didn't even wait for the car to fully come to a stop before he bolted for the house. He opened the door and unsurprisingly, he was greeted by an empty house.

Not empty in the sense of furnishing, but empty in terms of life. It was filled with all the latest and state-of-the-art household equipment, none of which was the least bit enticing to him. He never bothered himself with help, he did the cleaning himself.

The entire house exuded coldness and he guessed it was merely a reflection of the one who lived in it. All the furniture were either ash or white-he liked it that way.

He made his way slowly through his enormous house into his bedroom upstairs.

As he opened the door to his dimly lit room, he could already sense it, he felt it before he even saw it.

Without giving it the least bit attention, he moved into his room and sat on his bed, head bowed.

He heard an unearthly shriek, which anyone else hearing it would have been rattled to the bone but fortunately or rather should he say unfortunately for him, he was the only one that could see it or hear it.

It was probably pissed he ignored it.

Even though his head was lowered, he could see it move in the shadows. He followed its movement from the corner of his eyes until it was directly in front of him.

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